Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Ctrl + Pg Up / Pg Down Move to Prior / Next Worksheet z + Shift + V Paste Special (copy first)
Shift / Ctrl + Spacebar Select Entire Row / Column z + B / U / I Toggle Bold / Underline / Italic
Ctrl + * (Ctrl + Shift + 8) Select All Adjacent Cells z + 1 Format Cells
z + A Select Entire Worksheet z + Option + 0 Box Selection
Shift + F8 Add to Selection z + Option + Hyphen No Border
z + Shift + K / J Group / Ungroup Selection Option + Ctrl + (Shift) + Tab Increase / Decrease Indent
Ctrl + 0 / 9 Collapse (Hide Columns / Rows) z + Shift + . / , Increase / Decrease Font Size
Ctrl + Shift + 0 / 9 Expand (Unhide Columns / Rows)
Ctrl + Arrow Keys Move by Blocks of Cells Ctrl + U Toggle Edit / Navigation Mode
Shift + Arrow Keys Select Cells z + T (edit mode) Toggle Anchoring ($ in cell ref)
Ctrl + Home / End Move to Upper Left / Lower Right Ctrl + Enter Fill Selection with Formula / Text
Ctrl + . (within selection) Move Clockwise to next Corner
Shift + F2 Insert Comment (Esc twice to exit)
Ctrl + – / Ctrl + + Delete / Insert Selected Cells Shift + F3 Display Formula Dialog Box
Option + ¯ Show Dropdown List Options z + = / Shift + F9 Calc Entire File / Active Sheet Only
Ctrl + Option + Enter Start New Line in Cell
Option + F10 Activate Toolbars
Ctrl + Tab Scroll thru Toolbars Ctrl + ; / : Insert Date / Time as Value
Tab + Shift Scroll thru Icons / Functions Ctrl + ` (tilda) Toggle Cell Values / Formulas
z + C / V / X Copy / Paste / Cut Change all Inputs to Blue:
Ctrl + R / D Autofill (Copy Paste Right / Down) – Go To ("F5", Ctrl + G, Edit => Go To)
z + Z / Y Undo / Redo Last Action – Select "Special" then "Constants", "OK" (selects all inputs)
z + F or Shift + F5 Find – Manually change selection to blue font color
z + Shift + T Summation (AutoSum) Change all Formulas to Black:
Ctrl + ' / " Copy Formula / Value Above – Select "Formulas" instead of "Constants"
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Enter Formula as an Array – Manually change selection to black font color
Ctrl + [ / ] Trace Direct Precedents / Dependents Tools => Customize => Customize Keyboard => then
Ctrl + { / } Trace All Precedents / Dependents Categories => Format, find "Increase Decimal" and insert
F5 / Ctrl + G Go To Previous Cell (Go To) z + J in "Enter new shortcut key" box and then under
z + Shift + O Select All Commented Cells "Decrease Decimal" insert z + D as new shortcut key
z + S / O / W Save / Open / Close File
z + F6 / Ctrl + Tab Toggle Files Within Excel
z + Tab Toggle Applications
Note: These are all built-in default Excel shortcuts. If macros or add-ins have overwritten these keystrokes, they will not work. z = CMD key
+1 (212) 537-6631 President
Ctrl + Pg Up / Pg Down Move to Prior / Next Worksheet z + Shift + V Paste Special (copy first)
Shift / Ctrl + Spacebar Select Entire Row / Column z + B / U / I Toggle Bold / Underline / Italic
Ctrl + * (Ctrl + Shift + 8) Select All Adjacent Cells z + 1 Format Cells
z + A Select Entire Worksheet z + Option + 0 Box Selection
Shift + F8 Add to Selection z + Option + Hyphen No Border
z + Shift + K / J Group / Ungroup Selection Option + Ctrl + (Shift) + Tab Increase / Decrease Indent
Ctrl + 0 / 9 Collapse (Hide Columns / Rows) z + Shift + . / , Increase / Decrease Font Size
Ctrl + Shift + 0 / 9 Expand (Unhide Columns / Rows)
Ctrl + Arrow Keys Move by Blocks of Cells Ctrl + U Toggle Edit / Navigation Mode
Shift + Arrow Keys Select Cells z + T (edit mode) Toggle Anchoring ($ in cell ref)
Ctrl + Home / End Move to Upper Left / Lower Right Ctrl + Enter Fill Selection with Formula / Text
Ctrl + . (within selection) Move Clockwise to next Corner
Shift + F2 Insert Comment (Esc twice to exit)
Ctrl + – / Ctrl + + Delete / Insert Selected Cells Shift + F3 Display Formula Dialog Box
Option + ¯ Show Dropdown List Options z + = / Shift + F9 Calc Entire File / Active Sheet Only
Ctrl + Option + Enter Start New Line in Cell
Option + F10 Activate Toolbars
Ctrl + Tab Scroll thru Toolbars Ctrl + ; / : Insert Date / Time as Value
Tab + Shift Scroll thru Icons / Functions Ctrl + ` (tilda) Toggle Cell Values / Formulas
z + C / V / X Copy / Paste / Cut Change all Inputs to Blue:
Ctrl + R / D Autofill (Copy Paste Right / Down) – Go To ("F5", Ctrl + G, Edit => Go To)
z + Z / Y Undo / Redo Last Action – Select "Special" then "Constants", "OK" (selects all inputs)
z + F or Shift + F5 Find – Manually change selection to blue font color
z + Shift + T Summation (AutoSum) Change all Formulas to Black:
Ctrl + ' / " Copy Formula / Value Above – Select "Formulas" instead of "Constants"
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Enter Formula as an Array – Manually change selection to black font color
Ctrl + [ / ] Trace Direct Precedents / Dependents Tools => Customize => Customize Keyboard => then
Ctrl + { / } Trace All Precedents / Dependents Categories => Format, find "Increase Decimal" and insert
F5 / Ctrl + G Go To Previous Cell (Go To) z + J in "Enter new shortcut key" box and then under
z + Shift + O Select All Commented Cells "Decrease Decimal" insert z + D as new shortcut key
z + S / O / W Save / Open / Close File
z + F6 / Ctrl + Tab Toggle Files Within Excel
z + Tab Toggle Applications
Note: These are all built-in default Excel shortcuts. If macros or add-ins have overwritten these keystrokes, they will not work. z = CMD key
+1 (212) 537-6631 President
Mac Shortcuts
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Pro Tools 7.3 Shortcuts
(for Pro Tools Systems on
For increased operational speed and ease-of-use, there are many Pro Tools keyboard and Right-click shortcuts to give you fast access
to a wide variety of tasks. This guide lists keyboard shortcuts and Right-click shortcuts. Shortcuts are grouped by functional
area for your added convenience and quick reference.
Conventions Used in This Guide
Digidesign guides use the following conventions to indicate menu choices and key commands:
Menu commands that have a keyboard shortcut display their keyboard shortcut on-screen, to the right of the menu command.
References to Pro Tools LE™ in this guide are usually interchangeable with Pro Tools M-Powered™ or Pro Tools Academic™, except
as noted in the Pro Tools M-Powered and Academic Getting Started Guides.
Table 1. Global keyboard shortcuts
Convention Action
File > Save Session Choose Save Session from the File menu.
Command+N Hold down the Command (Apple) key and press the N key
Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys Hold down the Option key and press the Plus (+) or Minus (–) key (on numeric keypad
or QWERTY, as noted).
Command-click Hold down the Command key and click the mouse button.
Right-click Click with the right mouse button.
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Keyboard Shortcuts
Global Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 2. Global keyboard shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Change parameters on all similar channel strips Option+applicable function (applicable functions listed below)
Change parameter on all selected similar channel
Option+Shift+applicable function (applicable functions listed directly below)
Applicable functions: Automation mode • Monitor mode • playlist enables • record, solo and mute enables
• record and solo safes • inserting plug-ins • I/O, bus, send assignment
• volume/peak indicator • extend Edit or Timeline selection • track heights • clear clip meter
Task Shortcut
Toggle item and set all others to same new state Option-click on applicable item (applicable items listed below)
Toggle item and set all others to opposite state Command-click on applicable item (applicable items listed directly below)
Applicable items: Tracks in Track List • Group enables/activation
• Automation Enable window • Memory Location parameters
Task Shortcut
Fine Tune (Fine Adjust mode) Command-click on applicable fader/pot/breakpoint function (applicable functions
listed below)
Applicable functions: Plug-In parameter editing • fader movement • scrubbing
• automation data trimming (requires larger Track View for highest resolution)
Task Shortcut
Select multiple contiguous items (tracks, regions,
Click to select first item, then Shift-click another to select all similar items between
(applicable items listed below)
Select multiple non-contiguous items (tracks,
regions, paths)
Click to select first item, then Command-click another to select all similar items
between (applicable items listed below)
Applicable items: Tracks (click Track Names) • regions in Region List
• paths in I/O Setup
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Playback and Record
Table 3. Playback and Record shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Start/stop playback Spacebar
Start record Command+Spacebar, F12, or 3 (on numeric keypad)
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools
uses to start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command
in Pro Tools, this shortcut must be disabled.
Stop record Spacebar
Stop record and discard recording take (not undoable)
Command+Period (.)
Half-speed playback Shift+Spacebar
Half-speed record Command+Shift+Spacebar, or Shift+F12
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools
uses to start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command
in Pro Tools, this shortcut must be disabled.
Pause (pre-prime deck for instant playback and
Control+Spacebar, or Option-click, on Transport Play button
Enable/disable online record Command+Option+Spacebar
Enable/disable online playback Command+J, or Option+Spacebar
Center on selection start/end Left/Right Arrow keys (when selection exceeds window view)
Play Edit selection Option+[
Back/Forward (move the playback location backwards/
forwards by the Back/Forward amount)
(Pro Tools HD
Command+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Back/Forward and Play (move the playback location
backwards/forwards by Back/Forward amount and
then begin playback) (Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Option+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Extend a selection backwards by the Back/Forward
amount (Pro Tools HD only)
Shift+Command+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Extend the selection backwards by the Back/Forward
amount and begin playback (Pro Tools HD only)
Shift+Command+Option+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Record-safe track Command-click on track Record Enable button
Solo-safe track Command-click on track Solo button
Cycle through record modes: normal, Destructive,
Loop, QuickPunch, TrackPunch, DestructivePunch
Control-click on Transport Record Enable button
Loop playback toggle Command+Shift+L, or Control-click on Transport Play button
Loop Transport Mode Command+Control+P
Loop Record Option+L
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
When Transport = Pro Tools
TrackPunch (Pro Tools HD only) Command+Shift+T
QuickPunch Command+Shift+P
Enter/Exit record during playback in QuickPunch Command+Spacebar, F12, or click Transport Record button
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools
uses to start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command
in Pro Tools, this shortcut must be disabled.
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/enable an
audio track
Control-click the track’s Record Enable button
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/enable all
audio tracks
Option-Control-click a track’s Record Enable button
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/enable all
selected audio tracks
Control-Option-Shift-click a track’s Record Enable button
Simultaneously DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/
enable and record disable/enable all audio
Option-click a track’s Record Enable button
Simultaneously DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/
enable and record disable/enable all selected
audio tracks
Option-Shift-click a track’s Record Enable button
Temporarily force all VCA slave tracks to toggle their
record enable status
Option-click the VCA Record Enable button
Temporarily force all VCA slave tracks to toggle their
TrackInput status
Option-click the VCA TrackInput button
Enable or disable pre/post-roll time Command+K
Set and enable pre/post-roll time Option-click with Selector before or after selection
Disable and set to zero pre/post-roll time Option-click within selection closer to front or back
Toggle Transport Master (Pro Tools/Machine/MMC) Command+Backslash (\)
Table 3. Playback and Record shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 4. Auditioning shortcuts when Transport = Pro Tools
Task Shortcut
Play by pre-roll value up to selection start/end
(or current location if no selection)
Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Play by post-roll value from selection start/end
(or current cursor location if no selection)
Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Play by pre- and post-roll value through selection
Command+Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
When Transport = Machine/MMC
Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle
Transport Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad
Select Transport mode in the Operations Preferences page.
Table 5. Auditioning shortcuts when Transport = Machine/MMC
Task Shortcut
Cue Transport to selection start/end Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cue Transport with pre/post-roll to selection
Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Table 6. Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Temporary Scrub mode when using Selector Control-click and drag
Extend selection while scrubbing Shift-click and drag with the Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode)
Shuttle Option-click-drag with Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode)
Shuttle Lock (Classic or Transport mode) Control+number key 1–9 (1=minimum, 5=real-time, 9=maximum)
Change direction during Shuttle Lock (Classic or
Transport mode)
Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
For example, Control+number+Minus (–) key
Shuttle Lock stop (Classic or Transport mode) 0 (press number key to resume shuttle)
Exit Shuttle Lock mode (Classic or Transport mode) Spacebar or Escape (Esc) key
Table 7. Transport mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut (on Numeric Keypad)
Play/Stop 0
Rewind 1
Fast Forward 2
Record Enable 3
Loop Playback mode on/off 4
Loop Record mode on/off 5
QuickPunch mode on/off 6
Click on/off 7
Countoff on/off 8
MIDI Merge/Replace mode on/off 9
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Shuttle Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad
(Pro Tools HD Only)
Select Shuttle mode in the Operations Preferences page.
Table 8. Shuttle mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut
1 x Forward playback speed 6
1 x Rewind playback speed 4
4 x Forward playback speed 9
4 x Rewind playback speed 7
1/4 x Forward playback speed 3
1/4 x Rewind playback speed 1
1/2 x Forward playback speed 5+6
1/2 x Rewind playback speed 5+4
2 x Forward playback speed 8+9
2 x Backward playback speed 8+7
1/16 x Forward playback speed 2+3
1/16 x Backward playback speed 2+1
Loop playback of Edit Selection 0
Recall Memory Location Period (.)+Memory Location+Period (.)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Edit Modes and Tools
Table 9. Edit mode and tool shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Shuffle mode F1, or Option+1 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Slip mode F2, or Option+2 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Spot mode F3, or Option+3 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Grid mode F4,or Option+4 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Zoomer tool F5, or Command+1 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Trimmer tool F6, or Command+2 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Selector tool F7, or Command+3 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Grabber tool F8, or Command+4 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Scrubber tool F9, or Command+5 (on QWERTY keyboard, if Mac OS X Expose is disabled)
Pencil tool F10, or Command+6 (on QWERTY keyboard, if Mac OS X Expose is disabled)
Smart Tool F6+F7, F7+F8, or Command+7 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Cycle through Edit modes Single Open Quote (‘) key, located above the Tab key
Cycle through Edit tools Escape (Esc) key
Lock out or unlock Shuffle Mode Command-click the Shuffle button
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Edit Selection, Definition, and Navigation
Table 10. Edit selection, definition and navigation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Locate cursor to next region-boundary/sync point Tab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled)
Locate cursor to previous region boundary/sync
Option+Tab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled)
Go to and select next region Control+Tab
Go to and select previous region Control+Option+Tab
Go to Song Start Control+Return
Extend selection to Song Start Shift+Control+Return
Extend selection to next region-boundary Shift+Tab
Extend selection to previous region-boundary Option+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include next region Control+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include previous region Control+Shift+Option+Tab
Return to start of session Return
Go to end of session Option+Return
Extend selection to start of session Shift+Return
Extend selection to end of session Option+Shift+Return
Link Timeline and Edit selection Shift+Forward Slash (/)
Set selection start/end during playback Down/Up Arrow keys
Set selection start/end to incoming time code while
Down/Up Arrow keys
Select entire region in Edit window Double-click with Selector
Select entire track in Edit window Triple-click with Selector, or single-click in track and press Command+A
Select all regions in all tracks in Edit window Return, then press Command+A
Extend cursor or selection across all tracks Enable “All” Edit group and Shift-click on any other track
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Editing, Nudging and Trimming
In the following shortcuts, the Plus/Minus (+/–) key usage is on the numeric keypad only.
Table 11. Editing, navigation and trimming shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Change Grid value Control+Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Change Nudge value Command+Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge back by next Nudge value
(Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely inside
the Edit selection)
Minus (–) key (on numeric keypad), or Comma (,) (in Commands Keyboard Focus)
Nudge forward by next Nudge value
(Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely inside
the Edit selection)
Plus (+) key (on numeric keypad), or Period (.) (in Commands Keyboard Focus)
Nudge start/end data to right/left by Nudge value
(keeps underlying audio and moves start/end)
Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge data within current region to right/left by
Nudge value (keeps region start/end and moves
underlying audio)
Control+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge left selection boundary right/left by Nudge
Option+Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge right selection boundary right/left by Nudge
Command+Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Trim left edge of region to right/left by Nudge value Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Trim right edge of region to right/left by Nudge value Command+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Reverse Trimmer tool direction when trimming region Option+Trimmer tool
Trim up to, but not over, adjacent regions Hold down Control key while trimming
Duplicate region(s) in Edit Window Option-click selection and drag to destination
Delete selection in playlist Backspace or Delete (on QWERTY keyboard)
Constrain audio region to vertical movement Control-click to move audio region with Grabber tool
Snap region start to stationary playhead or Edit
selection start
Control-click new region with Grabber tool
Snap region sync point to stationary playhead or Edit
selection start
Control-Shift-click region containing the sync point with Grabber tool
Snap region end to stationary playhead or Edit selection
Command-Control-click new region with Grabber tool
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
File Menu Commands
Missing Files Dialog Commands
Edit Menu Commands
Table 12. File menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
New Session Command+N
Open Session Command+O
Open Recent Command+Shift+O
Close session Command+Shift+W
Save Session Command+S
Bounce to Disk Command+Option+B
Import Session Data Shift+Option+I
Import Audio Command+Shift+I
Import MIDI Command+Option+l
Table 13. Missing Files dialog command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Skip all missing files Command+S
Manually find and relink all missing files Command+M
Automatically find and relink all missing files Command+A
Regenerate missing fades (toggle on/off) Command+R
Table 14. Edit menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Undo Command+Z
Redo Command+Shift+Z
Cut Command+X
Copy Command+C
Paste Command+V
Clear Command+B
Select All Command+A
Paste Special Merge Option+M
Paste Special Repeat to Fill Selection Command+Option+V
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Paste Special to Current Automation Type Command+Control+V
Change Timeline Selection to Edit Selection Option+Shift+6 (on numeric keypad)
Change Edit Selection to Match Timeline Selection Option+Shift+5 (on numeric keypad)
Play Edit Selection Option+[
Play Timeline Selection Option+]
Duplicate selection Command+D
Repeat selection Option+R
Shift selection Option+H
Insert Silence Command+Shift+E
Trim Region to Selection Command+T
Trim Region Start to Insertion Option+Shift+7
Trim Region End to Insertion Option+Shift+8
Separate Region at Selection Command+E
Heal Separation Command+H
Strip Silence Command+U
Consolidate selection Option+Shift+3
TCE Edit to Timeline selection
(Pro Tools HD systems only)
Automation Region menu commands See Table 15 on page 12
Fades Region menu commands See Table 16 on page 13
Table 14. Edit menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Table 15. Automation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Toggle Track View on all tracks Option+Minus (–) key (on QWERTY keyboard)
Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks
included in the current selection
Control+Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks Control+Option+Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Disable/enable Automation playlist on selected
Command-click on Track View selector
Disable/enable all Automation playlists on selected
Command-Shift-click on Track View selector
Open Plug-in Automation dialog Control-Alt-Start-click on Track View selector (in Edit window)
Access Plug-in Automation commands (Pro Tools HD
only): Automation dialog, Enable/disable plug-in
Command-Option-Control-click on parameters (in Plug-In window)
Copy Automation to Send (Pro Tools HD only) Command+Option+H
Thin Automation Command+Option+T
Write automation to start of session/selection
(Pro Tools HD only)
Control-click on Transport Return to Zero button
Write automation to end of session/selection
(Pro Tools HD only)
Control-click on Transport Go to End button
Write automation from start to end of session/
selection (Pro Tools HD only)
Control-Shift-click on Transport Go to End or Return to Zero button
Write Automation to Current Parameter
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Forward Slash (/)
Write Automation to All Enabled Parameters
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Option+Forward Slash (/)
Trim Automation to Current Parameter
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Shift+Forward Slash (/)
Trim Automation to All Enabled Parameters
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Option+Shift+Forward Slash (/)
Glide Automation to Current Parameter
(Pro Tools HD only)
Option+Forward Slash (/)
Glide Automation to All Enabled Parameters
(Pro Tools HD only)
Option+Shift+ Forward Slash (/)
Suspend Trim automation on all tracks In the Automation window, Command-click the Suspend button
Suspend currently displayed automation type on a
Command-click the control name in the Track View selector
Vertically constrain automation movement Press Shift and move automation with Grabber tool
Write new breakpoint at next automation value Press and hold Option+Shift while writing a breakpoint (by clicking with the Grabber
tool in a track’s Automation playlist)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Write new breakpoint at previous automation value Press and hold Command+Option while writing a breakpoint (by clicking with the
Grabber tool in a track’s Automation playlist)
AutoMatch all controls on a track (Pro Tools HD only) Command-click the Automation Mode selector on the track
AutoMatch all controls of one automation type
(Pro Tools HD only)
In the Automation window, Command-click the button for the automation type
AutoMatch all controls of one automation type on a
channel (Pro Tools HD with ICON work surface only)
Hold Command and press the Channel Strip Mode controls for the track whose controls
you want to AutoMatch
AutoMatch a Pan control or the controls for an individual
Insert or Send (Pro Tools HD with ICON work
surface only)
Hold Command and press the Rotary Encoder Select switch for the control you want
to AutoMatch
AutoMatch the controls for a plug-in displayed in the
Dynamics or EQ section (Pro Tools HD with ICON
work surface only)
Hold Command and press the Auto switch in the Dyn or EQ section of the console
Suspend preview
(Pro Tools HD only)
In the Automation window, Command-click the Preview button
Special Paste of automation data between different
Configure Write on Stop modes to remain enabled
after an automation pass (Pro Tools HD only)
Option-click one of the Write On Stop modes (Start, End, or All) to enable the Write
On Stop mode
Display Automation playlist of automation-enabled
plug-in control, track volume, or track pan
Command-Control-click on control
Delete* Backspace
Cut* Command+X
Copy* Command+C
Duplicate* Command+D
Clear* Command+B
Insert Silence Command+Shift+E
*Hold Down Control during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track
Table 15. Automation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 16. Fades shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Create Fades (open Fades dialog) Command+F
Apply crossfade without opening Fades dialog Command+Control+F (uses last selected fade shape)
Fade to Start Option+D
Fade to End Option+G
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Fades Dialog
The following shortcuts are active only when the Fades dialog is open.
View Menu
Track Menu Commands
Table 17. Fades dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Edit crossfade-in only in Fades dialog Option-drag fade-in curve (“None” mode only)
Edit crossfade-out only in Fades dialog Command-drag fade-out curve (“None” Link mode only)
Audition start/stop in Fades dialog Spacebar
Reset to default zoom in Fades dialog Command-click on Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons
Reset standard or S-shape crossfades to default
Option-click fade curve in crossfade fade window (“Equal Power” and “Equal Gain”
Link modes only)
Cycle up/down through Out Shape parameter
Control+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through In Shape parameter options Option+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through Link parameter options Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through preset Out Shape curves Control+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through preset In Shape curves Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Table 18. View menu shortcuts
Task Shortcut
View Narrow Mix window option Command+Option+M
View Real-Time Properties window Option+4 (on the numeric keypad)
Table 19. Track menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
New Track Command+Shift+N
Group Tracks Command+G (with two or more tracks selected)
Duplicate Tracks Option+Shift+D
Auto Input Monitoring/Input Only Monitoring
(Pro Tools LE only)
Set Record Tracks to Input Only/Set Record Track to
Auto Input (Pro Tools HD)
Scroll to Track number Command+Option+F
Clear all Clip indicators Option+C
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
New Tracks Dialog
The following shortcuts are active only when the New Tracks dialog is open.
Track List
Mix Group List and Edit Group List
Create Group and Modify Group Dialogs
Table 20. New Tracks dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Cycle through Track Type choices Command+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle through Track Format choices Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cycle through Track Timebase choices Command+Option+Up/Down Arrow keys
Add or delete a Track Entry field Command+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys or Command+Shift+Up/Down Arrow keys
Re-arrange Track Entry field (move up/down) Drag the Move Row icon (at the right of each Track Entry row) to desired position
Table 21. Track List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Hide all tracks Option-click on a highlighted track name in Track List
Show all tracks Option-click on an unhighlighted track name in Track List
Table 22. Group List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Temporarily isolate channel strip from Groups Control-click (or Right-click) applicable Group parameter
Suspend All Groups Command+Shift+G, or Command-click on Groups pop-up menu
Rename group Double-click to far left of Group name in Group List
Group enable/disable Click the Group List Keyboard Focus, then type the letter corresponding to desired
Select all tracks in group Click to the left of a Group name in Group List
Show group members only Control-click on Group(s) in Group List
Table 23. Group dialogs shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Add selected track to a group in Tracks View Press A
Remove selected track from a group in Tracks View Press R
Select or deselect all attributes in Attributes View Option-Shift-click any attributes
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Region Menu Commands
Region List
Select or deselect all attributes for a single Send or
Insert (across a row) in Attributes View
Control-click any attribute in a row
Select or deselect attributes for a single control
across all Sends, all Inserts, or for the four track
controls (down a column) in Attributes View
Option-click any attribute in a column
Table 24. Region Menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Mute/Unmute Regions Command+M
Lock/Unlock Regions Command+L
Bring to Front Option+Shift+F
Send to Back Option+Shift+B
Group Regions Command+Option+G
Ungroup Regions Command+Option+U
Regroup regions Command+Option+R
Loop Region Command+Option+L
Capture Region Command+R
Identify Sync Point Command+Comma (,)
Quantize Region to Nearest Grid Command+0
Table 25. Region List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Select region by name Click the Region List a–z button, then type the first letters of the desired region
Find region Command+Shift+F
Clear Find Command+Shift+D
Show/Hide Audio regions Command+Shift+1 (on numeric keypad)
Show/Hide MIDI regions Command+Shift+2 (on numeric keypad)
Show/Hide Groups Command+Shift+3 (on numeric keypad)
Show/Hide Auto-Created region Command+Option+K
Select All regions in Region List Command+Shift+A
Select Unused regions Command+Shift+U
Table 23. Group dialogs shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Event Menu Commands
Clear selected regions Command+Shift+B
Rename selected regions Command+Shift+R
Time Stamp selected regions Command+Shift+M
Export Region Definition Command+Shift+Y
Export Regions as Files Command+Shift+K
Select or deselect a region Command-click a region
Select multiple contiguous regions Click one region, then Shift-click another region to select all regions between
Select or deselect multiple discontiguous regions
with the Marquee
Place the cursor to the left of the names in the Region List. When the Marquee (“+”)
appears, hold Command and drag to select or deselect the desired regions
Bypass dialogs during deletion of audio files Option-click Delete and Yes box when prompted
Audition region in Region List Option-click and hold on region in Region List
Rename region/file Double-click region in Region List, or double-click with Grabber tool on region in playlist
Constrain region placement to start at play/edit cursor
location or selection start
Control and drag region
Constrain region placement to end at play/edit cursor
location or selection start
Command+Control and drag region
Table 25. Region List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 26. Event Menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Open Time Operations window Option+1 (on numeric keypad)
Open Tempo Operations window Option+2 (on numeric keypad)
Open MIDI Operations window Option+3 (on numeric keypad)
Grid/Groove Quantize (in MIDI Operations window) Option+0 (on numeric keypad)
Change Duration (in MIDI Operations window) Option+P
Transpose (in MIDI Operations window) Option+T
Select/Split Notes (in MIDI Operations window) Option+Y
Open MIDI Event List window Option+Equal (=)
Open Beat Detective window Command+8 (on numeric keypad)
Identify Beat Command+I
All MIDI Notes Off Command+Shift+Period (.)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
MIDI Events List Entry
The following shortcuts are active only when the MIDI Event List window is open.
MIDI Step Input
The following shortcuts are available in the MIDI Step Input window, when Enable Numeric Keypad Shortcuts is enabled.
Table 27. MIDI Events List window shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Enter start time field for editing Command+Enter (on numeric keypad)
Show Event Filter dialog Command+F
Go to Command+G
Scroll to Edit selection Command+H
Insert another event Command+M
Insert note Command+N
Insert Program Change Command-P
Insert Controller Command-L
Insert Poly Pressure Command-O
Delete event in MIDI Events List Option-click
Table 28. MIDI Step Input shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Whole note 1
1/2 note 2
1/4 note 4
1/8 note 5
1/16 note 6
1/32 note 7
1/64 note 8
Dotted note . (decimal key)
Toggle Tuplet on/off 3
Next step Enter
Undo step 0
Nudge forward +
Nudge back –
Select Main Location indicator =
Edit Selection indicators /
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Options Menu Commands
Setup Menu Commands
Peripherals Dialog
Preferences Dialog
Table 29. Option menus command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Transport Online Command+J
Video Track Online Command+Shift+J
Auto-Spot Regions Command+P
Additional Options menu commands in Playback and Recording (Table 3 on page 3)
Table 30. Preferences dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Session Setup window Command+2 (on the numeric keypad)
Table 31. Peripherals dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Go to Synchronization window Command+1
Go to Machine Control window Command+2
Go to MIDI Controllers window Command+3
Go to Ethernet Controllers window Command+4
Go to Mic Preamps window (Pro Tools HD only) Command+5
Table 32. Preferences dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Go to Display window Command+1
Go to Operation window Command+2
Go to Editing window Command+3
Go to Automation window Command+4
Go to Processing window Command+5
Go to MIDI window Command+6
Go to Machine Control window Command+7
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Window Menu Commands
Table 33. Window menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Toggle Mix and Edit windows Command+Equal (=)
Hide All Floating Windows Command+Option+Control+W
Show Window Configuration List Command+Option+J
Show Task Manager window Option+Apostrophe (‘)
Show Workspace browser Option+Semi-Colon (;)
Show Project browser Option+O
Bring to Front Option+J
Send to Back Option+Shift+J
Show Transport window Command+1 (on numeric keypad)
Show Big Counter window Command+3 (on numeric keypad)
Show Automation Enable window Command+4 (on numeric keypad)
Show Memory Locations window Command+5 (on numeric keypad)
Machine Track Arming window Command+6 (on numeric keypad)
Universe window (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE
with DV Toolkit 2 only)
Command+7 (on numeric keypad)
Display Video window Command+9 (on numeric keypad)
Access Video window commands (Pro Tools HD and
Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only): Online, Video
Out Firewire, Half Size, Actual Size, Double Size, Fit
Control-click in the Video window
Access Universe window commands (Pro Tools HD
and DV Toolkit 2 only): Video Universe, increase,
Control-click (or Right-click) in the Universe window
Table 34. Zoom shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Horizontal zoom in or out Command+ ] or [
Vertical zoom in or out (Audio) Command+Option+ ] or [
Vertical zoom in or out (MIDI) Command+Shift+ ] or [
Fill window with selection Option-click on Zoomer tool or Option+F
View entire session Double-click on Zoomer tool or Option+A
Zoom vertical and horizontal axis Hold down Command key while dragging the Zoomer tool
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Window Configuration
Memory Locations and Markers
Import Audio Dialog
Zoom to previous orientation Option-click on any Horizontal Zoom In or Out button, or Audio or MIDI Zoom In or Out
Maximum zoom before waveform drawn from disk Command-click on Zoomer tool (faster drawing from RAM)
Zoom Toggle Control+E
Zoom presets 1–5 Control+Zoom preset number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY keyboard),
or Zoom preset number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY keyboard, in Commands Keyboard
Table 34. Zoom shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 35. Window Configuration shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Add new Window Configuration or replace existing
one in Window Configuration List
Period (.)+number (1–99)+Plus (+)
Recall a Window Configuration Period (.)+Window Configuration number (1–99)+Asterisk (*)
Table 36. Memory Locations shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Create Memory Location Enter (on numeric keypad)
Reset a Memory Location Control-click on Memory Location button
Delete Memory Location Option-click on a Memory Location button
Recall a Memory Location using the numeric keypad Period (.)+Memory Location number+Period (.) (Transport or Shuttle mode),
or Memory Location number+Period (.) (Classic mode)
Move only the Song Start Marker, without moving
any tick-based data
Control-Shift-drag the Song Start Marker
Table 37. Import Audio dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Start/stop audition of currently selected audio
Command+P, or Command+Spacebar
Add currently selected audio region or file to list Command+A
(if audio file has the same sample rate and bit depth as the current session)
Convert and import selected audio region/files Command+C
Remove currently selected audio files/regions from
Regions to Import field
22 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Import Video Dialog
Plug-In Settings Librarian
The following shortcuts apply in the current target plug-in (Target icon is lit in plug-in window).
Plug-In Controls
Remove all audio files/regions from Regions in Current
File field
Random-access fwd/rew search selected file Drag slider to, or click at, new location
Move between file windows Tab
Cancel Escape
Table 37. Import Audio dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 38. Import Video dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Bypass Video Import Options dialog when importing
video into Pro Tools
Option-drag one or more video files from a DigiBase browser or the Region List to any
location in the Timeline
Table 39. Plug-In Settings Librarian Menu shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Save settings Command+Shift+S
Copy settings Command+Shift+C
Paste settings Command+Shift+V
Switch between Librarian Settings subfolders in the
Plug-in Settings dialog
Command+Up/Down Arrow keys
Switch between settings files in the Plug-In Settings
Up/Down or Left/Right Arrow keys
Table 40. Target Plug-In window shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Change plug-in control setting in parameter field Click mouse in text field and type desired value
Move down/up to next/previous parameter fields Tab or Shift+Tab
Increase/decrease slider value Up/Down Arrow keys
Input value without leaving field Enter (on numeric keypad)
Enter value and exit Keyboard Entry mode Return
For fields that support kHz (kiloHertz) Type “k” after number (multiplies by 1000)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 23
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to: current Location Counter, Transport window time fields, Start/End/Length fields in
the Edit window, Spot dialog, and the Big Counter.
Table 41. Mixing shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Make track active/inactive Command-Control-click Track Type icon in Mix window
Set all faders to their automation null points Option-click on either AutoMatch indicator
Reset a control to default value Option-click on control
Volume/Peak/Channel Delay amount Command-click on Track Volume/Peak/Channel Delay indicator
Clear peak or clip-hold from meter Click on indicator
Peak counter reset in Headroom indicator mode Click on Headroom indicator
Bypass plug-in insert Command-click on insert name in Inserts view
Bypass Send mute Command-click on send name in Sends view
Toggle Send display between “All” and “Individual” Command-click on Send selector
Bypass Delay Compensation View indicators
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command-Control-click on Plug-In Delay, User Offset, or Track Compensation indicator
Table 42. Numeric Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Edit Current Location and Big Counters Asterisk (*) (on numeric keypad)
Edit Start/End/Length fields (Edit window) Forward Slash (/).
Subsequent presses toggle through fields.
Initiate time entry in Transport window fields Option+Forward Slash (/) (on numeric keypad).
Subsequent presses toggle through fields
Capture incoming time code in Session Setup window
(with Start field selected)
Comma (,)
Capture incoming time code in Spot dialog and Time
Stamp Selected dialog
Equals (=). Hold down key for continued input.
Move sub-unit selection to the right Period (.)
Move sub-unit selection to the left/right Left/Right Arrow keys
Calculator Entry mode Plus (+) or Minus (–) keys followed by offset number (subtraction not supported in
Increment/decrement the current sub-unit Up/Down Arrow keys
Change Time Code unit selection. First entry zeroes
(00) lowest sub-unit. Subsequent entry zeroes (00)
the next highest sub-unit.
Period (.)
Apply entered numeric value Enter
24 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Text Entry
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to: naming channel strips, the Get Info dialog and I/O Setup path names.
Clear entered numeric value and exit Time Entry
Esc (Escape) key
Note: When Time Code is the selected time scale, initiating a time entry highlights entire field, and numeric values are entered right to left
Table 42. Numeric Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 43. Text Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Move down or up rows Tab or Shift+Tab
Move to beginning or end of edit contents Up/Down Arrow keys
Move single letters at a time across a name label Left/Right Arrow keys
Select entire word Double-click on word
Select entire line Triple-click on a word in the line
Table 44. Miscellaneous shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Increase or decrease track height Control+Up/Down Arrow keys
Increase track height continuously Command-click and drag track
Set all tracks to selected record drive in Disk Allocation
Option-click on record drive
Display Playlist selector (requires selection start or
flashing insertion point match user time stamp of
Command-click with Selector tool at start or current cursor location
Display and adjust the AFL/PFL Path fader while in
AFL/PFL mode (Pro Tools HD systems only)
Command-click a Solo button
Access Playback Engine dialog during Pro Tools
Hold down N key while launching Pro Tools
Bypass repeat dialogs when multiple items are
changed by single operation (such as Clear, Delete,
Option-click “Proceed” button in dialog
Close all open Plug-In, Send, Pan, and Mic Pre windows
Close active Mix or Edit window (if both are open) or
active browser (if two or more browsers are open)
Quit Pro Tools Command+Q
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 25
Keyboard Focus
Commands Keyboard Focus Mode
To use the following single key shortcuts, click the Commands Keyboard Focus button in the Edit window so that it remains lit.
Or, use the Control key in combination with the single keys listed below.
Table 45. Keyboard Focus shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Commands Keyboard Focus Command+Option+1
Region List Keyboard Focus Command+Option+2
Group List Keyboard Focus Command+Option+3
Table 46. Commands Keyboard Focus mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Zoom presets 1–5 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Play to/from edit start by pre/post-roll value 6/7 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Play to/from edit end by pre/post roll amount 8/9 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Copy Edit selection to Timeline selection O (on QWERTY keyboard)
Copy Timeline selection to Edit selection
(Pro Tools HD only)
Toggle pre-defined common Track Views
(audio track = Waveform and Volume;
MIDI track = Notes and Regions;
Instrument tracks = Notes and Regions)
Minus (–) key (on QWERTY keyboard)
Capture Time Code =
Center Timeline selection start Q
Center Timeline selection end W
Zoom Toggle E
Zoom Out horizontally R
Zoom In horizontally T
Snap start (of selected region) to time code Y (HD systems only)
Snap sync point (of selected region) to time code U (HD systems only)
Snap end (of selected region) to time code I (HD systems only)
Snap start (of selected region) to playhead H
Snap sync point (of selected region) to playhead J (HD systems only)
Snap end (of selected region) to playhead K (HD systems only)
Move Edit selection up P
Move Edit selection down Semi-Colon (;)
26 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Scroll Wheel Commands
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to moving scrollbars on systems with a scroll wheel.
Tab back L
Tab forward Apostrophe (‘)
Play Timeline Selection (Pro Tools HD only) ]
Play Edit Selection [
Trim Start to Insertion A
Trim End to Insertion S
Fade to Start (available if no selection) D
Fade (without showing Fades dialog) F
Fade to End (available if no selection) G
Undo Z
Cut X
Copy C
Paste V
Separate B
Timeline Insertion follows Playback (disable/enable) N
Nudge back by Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
Comma (,)
Nudge forward by Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
Period (.)
Nudge back by next large Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
Nudge forward by next larger Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
/ (Forward Slash) (on QWERTY keyboard)
Table 46. Commands Keyboard Focus mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 47. Text Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Scroll horizontally Shift+Scroll Wheel
Fine-tune scroll (Fine Adjust mode) Command+Scroll Wheel
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 27
DigiBase Shortcuts
The following shortcuts are available only in DigiBase windows, as noted.
DigiBase Browser and Window Keyboard Shortcuts
DigiBase Auditioning Keyboard Shortcuts
Zoom in/out of timeline Option+Scroll Wheel in timeline
Zoom in/out of waveforms Option+Shift+Scroll Wheel in timeline
Table 47. Text Entry shortcuts
Table 48. DigiBase Browser and window shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Open the Workspace browser Option+Semi-Colon
Open the Task Manager window Option+Apostrophe (‘)
Open or closes the Project browser Option+O
Bring all browsers to the foreground Option+J
Send all browsers to the back Option+Shift+J
Cycle to previous/next browsers Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Zoom presets in the Edit window
– or –
View presets in DigiBase browsers
Control+1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Table 49. DigiBase auditioning shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Browser Item: Start or stop auditioning from head
(when Spacebar Toggle File Preview is enabled)
– or –
Audio Import dialog:
Start or stop auditioning from head
Browser Item: Start or stop loop auditioning from
Start or stop preview when browser is front-most window
Stop preview when browser is front-most window Escape
Import Audio dialog: Start or stop auditioning Command+P
28 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
DigiBase Delete or Duplicate Keyboard Shortcuts
DigiBase Mouse Click Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 50. DigiBase Delete or Duplicate shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Region List: Delete a Region from the timeline
– or –
Browser Item: Delete items from the browser/disk
Delete locked files selected in a browser Command+Delete
Delete any selected browser item, and suppresses
any warning dialog
Create duplicates of any selected files Command+D
Table 51. DigiBase mouse click shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Select contiguous items in a browser or column
Select all of the files in a multichannel file in a
Column Headers: Make a secondary sort order
– or –
Region List: Audition a file
– or –
Browser Find Button: Cancel a search, and closes
the Search pane
– or –
Browser Close Box: Close all open browsers
Column Header: Access list of columns that can be
shown or hid
Control-click in any DigiBase column label
Browser Back Button: Open the navigation menu
– or –
Browser Items: Select discontiguous items
– or –
Column Headers: Select discontinuous column
– or –
Browser Up Button: Open menu for navigating up several
– or –
Browser View Preset Buttons: Store column order
and width, and sort order
Region List: Select a region without changing which
region is highlighted in Timeline
Browser Items: Open a new window and leaves the
original window open
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 29
DigiBase Drag and Drop Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 52. DigiBase drag and drop shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Browser Item: From one folder to another folder on
the same volume, create a copy of that item in the
target location
– or –
Browser Media File to Region List or Timeline: Create
a copy of the media file in the session’s Audio Files
Option-drag and drop
Browser File: Import to Timeline and create a new
Shift-drag and drop
Waveform Display: Set sync point and spots to Timeline
– or –
Region List: Open the Replace Region dialog
(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only)
Command-drag and drop
Waveform Display: Set the sync point and spot to the
Timeline and copy the audio file
Command-Option-drag and drop
Region List: Snap to head
– or –
Browser Audio File, from Name or Icon: Snap to head
– or –
Browser Audio File, from Waveform Display: Spot to
temporary sync point
Control-drag and drop
Browser Audio File to Timeline: Snap to head and
copy the audio file to the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Option-drag and drop
Region List: Snap to sync point
– or –
Browser Item: Snap to sync point
Control-Shift-drag and drop
Browser Item: Snap to sync point and copy the audio
file to the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Option-Shift-drag and drop
Region List: Snap to tail
– or –
Browser Item: Snap to tail
Control-Command-drag and drop
Browser Item: Snap to tail and copy the audio file to
the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Command-Option-drag and drop
Browser Item: Spot with variable cursor Control-Command-Shift drag and drop
Browser Item: Spot with variable cursor and copy the
audio file to the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Command-Option-Shift-drag and drop
30 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
DigiBase Navigation Shortcuts
Table 53. DigiBase navigation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Selection up Up Arrow key
Selection down Down Arrow key
Scroll Page up Page Up
Scroll Page down Page Down
Scroll to top of browser Home
Scroll to bottom of browser End
Scroll to track Command+Option+F
Up one browser level (same as Up arrow icon) Command+Up Arrow key
Open folder (same window) Command+Down Arrow key
Open folder (new window) Command+Option+Down Arrow key
Open Show/Hide icon Right Arrow key
Close Show/Hide icon Left Arrow key
Cycle to next or previous browser Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Enter/exit Name Edit field Enter or Return
Revert to original text Escape (Esc) key
Open/close Search pane Command+F
Move to next Search field Tab
Move to previous Search field Shift+Tab
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 31
Right-Click Shortcuts
Mix Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Mix Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Channel Volume fader
Channel Pan slider
Channel Mute button
Channel Solo button
Channel Record Enable button
Channel TrackInput button
Send fader
Send Pan slider
Temporarily isolate control from group operation
Channel Input selector
Channel Output selector
Access I/O commands:
• Make Active/Inactive
• Rename
Send name Access Send commands:
• Mute Send
• Make Active/Inactive
• Rename
Insert selector Access Insert commands:
• Bypass
• Make Active/Inactive
• Automation dialog (plug-ins only)
• Automation Safe (plug-ins only)
• Rename (hardware I/O only)
Track name
(in Mix window, Edit window and Track List)
Access Track commands:
• Hide/Show
• Hide and Make Inactive
• Make Active/Inactive
• Scroll Into View
• Send to Sibelius (MIDI and Instrument tracks only)
• Export MIDI (MIDI and Instrument tracks only)
• Locked (video track only)
• Rename
• Duplicate
• Split Into Mono (multichannel tracks only
• Delete
• Coalesce VCA Master Automation (Pro Tools HD only)
• Coalesce Trim Automation (Pro Tools HD only)
• Clear Trim Automation (Pro Tools HD only)
• Expand to New Track (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only)
Surround Panning Mode button
(in Surround Output Window) (Pro Tools HD
Access Panning modes:
• X/Y Mode
• 3-Knob mode
• Divergence Editing mode
• AutoGlide mode
32 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Edit Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Region List items Access Region List commands:
• Clear
• Rename
• Time Stamp
• Replace Region (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only)
• Compact
• Export Region Definition
• Export Regions as Files
• Recalculate Waveform Overviews
• Select Parent in Workspace
• Object Select in Edit Window
Group List items Access Group List commands and information:
• Group ID
• Tracks (list of tracks in Group)
• Attributes (list of Group Attributes) (Pro Tools HD only)
• Modify
• Duplicate
• Delete
• Select Tracks in Group
• Show/Hide Tracks in Group
• Show/Hide Only Tracks in Group
• Show/Hide All Tracks
Edit Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Timeline or point in region previously selected
with Selector tool
Access commands:
• Separate
• Matches (Channels or Alternates)
Region or region selection Access Edit and Region commands:
• Cut
• Copy
• Paste
• Clear
• Matches (Channels or Alternates)
• Separate
• Delete Fades
• Snap to Next
• Snap to Previous
• Spot
• Group Regions
• Ungroup Regions
Control-Right-click region (Windows)
Command-Right-click region (Mac)
Access Move Region commands:
• Move Region Start to Selection Start
• Move Region Sync to Selection Start
• Move Region End to Selection Start
Mix Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 33
Transport Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Universe Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Video Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Transport Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Transport Play button Access Playback modes:
• Half Speed
• Prime for Playback
• Loop Playback
• Loop Transport Mode
Transport Record button Cycle through Record modes:
• Normal
• Loop
• Destructive
• QuickPunch
• TrackPunch (Pro Tools HD only)
• DestructivePunch (Pro Tools HD only)
Transport Return to Zero button Access Automation commands (Pro Tools HD only):
• Write to Start
• Write to All
Transport Go To End button Access Automation commands (Pro Tools HD only):
• Write to End
• Write to All
Universe Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 Only)
Universe window Access Universe window commands
Video Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 Only)
Video window Access Video window commands:
• Online
• Video Out Firewire
• Half Size
• Actual Size
• Double Size
• Fit Screen
Pro Tools 7.3 Shortcuts
(for Pro Tools Systems on
For increased operational speed and ease-of-use, there are many Pro Tools keyboard and Right-click shortcuts to give you fast access
to a wide variety of tasks. This guide lists keyboard shortcuts and Right-click shortcuts. Shortcuts are grouped by functional
area for your added convenience and quick reference.
Conventions Used in This Guide
Digidesign guides use the following conventions to indicate menu choices and key commands:
Menu commands that have a keyboard shortcut display their keyboard shortcut on-screen, to the right of the menu command.
References to Pro Tools LE™ in this guide are usually interchangeable with Pro Tools M-Powered™ or Pro Tools Academic™, except
as noted in the Pro Tools M-Powered and Academic Getting Started Guides.
Table 1. Global keyboard shortcuts
Convention Action
File > Save Session Choose Save Session from the File menu.
Command+N Hold down the Command (Apple) key and press the N key
Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys Hold down the Option key and press the Plus (+) or Minus (–) key (on numeric keypad
or QWERTY, as noted).
Command-click Hold down the Command key and click the mouse button.
Right-click Click with the right mouse button.
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Keyboard Shortcuts
Global Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 2. Global keyboard shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Change parameters on all similar channel strips Option+applicable function (applicable functions listed below)
Change parameter on all selected similar channel
Option+Shift+applicable function (applicable functions listed directly below)
Applicable functions: Automation mode • Monitor mode • playlist enables • record, solo and mute enables
• record and solo safes • inserting plug-ins • I/O, bus, send assignment
• volume/peak indicator • extend Edit or Timeline selection • track heights • clear clip meter
Task Shortcut
Toggle item and set all others to same new state Option-click on applicable item (applicable items listed below)
Toggle item and set all others to opposite state Command-click on applicable item (applicable items listed directly below)
Applicable items: Tracks in Track List • Group enables/activation
• Automation Enable window • Memory Location parameters
Task Shortcut
Fine Tune (Fine Adjust mode) Command-click on applicable fader/pot/breakpoint function (applicable functions
listed below)
Applicable functions: Plug-In parameter editing • fader movement • scrubbing
• automation data trimming (requires larger Track View for highest resolution)
Task Shortcut
Select multiple contiguous items (tracks, regions,
Click to select first item, then Shift-click another to select all similar items between
(applicable items listed below)
Select multiple non-contiguous items (tracks,
regions, paths)
Click to select first item, then Command-click another to select all similar items
between (applicable items listed below)
Applicable items: Tracks (click Track Names) • regions in Region List
• paths in I/O Setup
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Playback and Record
Table 3. Playback and Record shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Start/stop playback Spacebar
Start record Command+Spacebar, F12, or 3 (on numeric keypad)
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools
uses to start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command
in Pro Tools, this shortcut must be disabled.
Stop record Spacebar
Stop record and discard recording take (not undoable)
Command+Period (.)
Half-speed playback Shift+Spacebar
Half-speed record Command+Shift+Spacebar, or Shift+F12
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools
uses to start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command
in Pro Tools, this shortcut must be disabled.
Pause (pre-prime deck for instant playback and
Control+Spacebar, or Option-click, on Transport Play button
Enable/disable online record Command+Option+Spacebar
Enable/disable online playback Command+J, or Option+Spacebar
Center on selection start/end Left/Right Arrow keys (when selection exceeds window view)
Play Edit selection Option+[
Back/Forward (move the playback location backwards/
forwards by the Back/Forward amount)
(Pro Tools HD
Command+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Back/Forward and Play (move the playback location
backwards/forwards by Back/Forward amount and
then begin playback) (Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Option+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Extend a selection backwards by the Back/Forward
amount (Pro Tools HD only)
Shift+Command+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Extend the selection backwards by the Back/Forward
amount and begin playback (Pro Tools HD only)
Shift+Command+Option+Transport Rewind button or Transport Fast Forward button
Record-safe track Command-click on track Record Enable button
Solo-safe track Command-click on track Solo button
Cycle through record modes: normal, Destructive,
Loop, QuickPunch, TrackPunch, DestructivePunch
Control-click on Transport Record Enable button
Loop playback toggle Command+Shift+L, or Control-click on Transport Play button
Loop Transport Mode Command+Control+P
Loop Record Option+L
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
When Transport = Pro Tools
TrackPunch (Pro Tools HD only) Command+Shift+T
QuickPunch Command+Shift+P
Enter/Exit record during playback in QuickPunch Command+Spacebar, F12, or click Transport Record button
The Mac OS X Dashboard feature uses the same key command Pro Tools
uses to start recording (F12). If you want to retain use of this key command
in Pro Tools, this shortcut must be disabled.
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/enable an
audio track
Control-click the track’s Record Enable button
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/enable all
audio tracks
Option-Control-click a track’s Record Enable button
DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/enable all
selected audio tracks
Control-Option-Shift-click a track’s Record Enable button
Simultaneously DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/
enable and record disable/enable all audio
Option-click a track’s Record Enable button
Simultaneously DestructivePunch or TrackPunch disable/
enable and record disable/enable all selected
audio tracks
Option-Shift-click a track’s Record Enable button
Temporarily force all VCA slave tracks to toggle their
record enable status
Option-click the VCA Record Enable button
Temporarily force all VCA slave tracks to toggle their
TrackInput status
Option-click the VCA TrackInput button
Enable or disable pre/post-roll time Command+K
Set and enable pre/post-roll time Option-click with Selector before or after selection
Disable and set to zero pre/post-roll time Option-click within selection closer to front or back
Toggle Transport Master (Pro Tools/Machine/MMC) Command+Backslash (\)
Table 3. Playback and Record shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 4. Auditioning shortcuts when Transport = Pro Tools
Task Shortcut
Play by pre-roll value up to selection start/end
(or current location if no selection)
Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Play by post-roll value from selection start/end
(or current cursor location if no selection)
Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Play by pre- and post-roll value through selection
Command+Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
When Transport = Machine/MMC
Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle
Transport Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad
Select Transport mode in the Operations Preferences page.
Table 5. Auditioning shortcuts when Transport = Machine/MMC
Task Shortcut
Cue Transport to selection start/end Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cue Transport with pre/post-roll to selection
Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Table 6. Scrub (Jog)/Shuttle shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Temporary Scrub mode when using Selector Control-click and drag
Extend selection while scrubbing Shift-click and drag with the Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode)
Shuttle Option-click-drag with Scrubber tool, (also in temporary Scrub mode)
Shuttle Lock (Classic or Transport mode) Control+number key 1–9 (1=minimum, 5=real-time, 9=maximum)
Change direction during Shuttle Lock (Classic or
Transport mode)
Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
For example, Control+number+Minus (–) key
Shuttle Lock stop (Classic or Transport mode) 0 (press number key to resume shuttle)
Exit Shuttle Lock mode (Classic or Transport mode) Spacebar or Escape (Esc) key
Table 7. Transport mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut (on Numeric Keypad)
Play/Stop 0
Rewind 1
Fast Forward 2
Record Enable 3
Loop Playback mode on/off 4
Loop Record mode on/off 5
QuickPunch mode on/off 6
Click on/off 7
Countoff on/off 8
MIDI Merge/Replace mode on/off 9
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Shuttle Mode Shortcuts with Numeric Keypad
(Pro Tools HD Only)
Select Shuttle mode in the Operations Preferences page.
Table 8. Shuttle mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut
1 x Forward playback speed 6
1 x Rewind playback speed 4
4 x Forward playback speed 9
4 x Rewind playback speed 7
1/4 x Forward playback speed 3
1/4 x Rewind playback speed 1
1/2 x Forward playback speed 5+6
1/2 x Rewind playback speed 5+4
2 x Forward playback speed 8+9
2 x Backward playback speed 8+7
1/16 x Forward playback speed 2+3
1/16 x Backward playback speed 2+1
Loop playback of Edit Selection 0
Recall Memory Location Period (.)+Memory Location+Period (.)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Edit Modes and Tools
Table 9. Edit mode and tool shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Shuffle mode F1, or Option+1 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Slip mode F2, or Option+2 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Spot mode F3, or Option+3 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Grid mode F4,or Option+4 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Zoomer tool F5, or Command+1 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Trimmer tool F6, or Command+2 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Selector tool F7, or Command+3 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Grabber tool F8, or Command+4 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Scrubber tool F9, or Command+5 (on QWERTY keyboard, if Mac OS X Expose is disabled)
Pencil tool F10, or Command+6 (on QWERTY keyboard, if Mac OS X Expose is disabled)
Smart Tool F6+F7, F7+F8, or Command+7 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Cycle through Edit modes Single Open Quote (‘) key, located above the Tab key
Cycle through Edit tools Escape (Esc) key
Lock out or unlock Shuffle Mode Command-click the Shuffle button
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Edit Selection, Definition, and Navigation
Table 10. Edit selection, definition and navigation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Locate cursor to next region-boundary/sync point Tab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled)
Locate cursor to previous region boundary/sync
Option+Tab (if Tab to Transients button is enabled)
Go to and select next region Control+Tab
Go to and select previous region Control+Option+Tab
Go to Song Start Control+Return
Extend selection to Song Start Shift+Control+Return
Extend selection to next region-boundary Shift+Tab
Extend selection to previous region-boundary Option+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include next region Control+Shift+Tab
Extend selection to include previous region Control+Shift+Option+Tab
Return to start of session Return
Go to end of session Option+Return
Extend selection to start of session Shift+Return
Extend selection to end of session Option+Shift+Return
Link Timeline and Edit selection Shift+Forward Slash (/)
Set selection start/end during playback Down/Up Arrow keys
Set selection start/end to incoming time code while
Down/Up Arrow keys
Select entire region in Edit window Double-click with Selector
Select entire track in Edit window Triple-click with Selector, or single-click in track and press Command+A
Select all regions in all tracks in Edit window Return, then press Command+A
Extend cursor or selection across all tracks Enable “All” Edit group and Shift-click on any other track
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Editing, Nudging and Trimming
In the following shortcuts, the Plus/Minus (+/–) key usage is on the numeric keypad only.
Table 11. Editing, navigation and trimming shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Change Grid value Control+Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Change Nudge value Command+Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge back by next Nudge value
(Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely inside
the Edit selection)
Minus (–) key (on numeric keypad), or Comma (,) (in Commands Keyboard Focus)
Nudge forward by next Nudge value
(Nudge Edit selection and any regions entirely inside
the Edit selection)
Plus (+) key (on numeric keypad), or Period (.) (in Commands Keyboard Focus)
Nudge start/end data to right/left by Nudge value
(keeps underlying audio and moves start/end)
Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge data within current region to right/left by
Nudge value (keeps region start/end and moves
underlying audio)
Control+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge left selection boundary right/left by Nudge
Option+Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Nudge right selection boundary right/left by Nudge
Command+Shift+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Trim left edge of region to right/left by Nudge value Option+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Trim right edge of region to right/left by Nudge value Command+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys
Reverse Trimmer tool direction when trimming region Option+Trimmer tool
Trim up to, but not over, adjacent regions Hold down Control key while trimming
Duplicate region(s) in Edit Window Option-click selection and drag to destination
Delete selection in playlist Backspace or Delete (on QWERTY keyboard)
Constrain audio region to vertical movement Control-click to move audio region with Grabber tool
Snap region start to stationary playhead or Edit
selection start
Control-click new region with Grabber tool
Snap region sync point to stationary playhead or Edit
selection start
Control-Shift-click region containing the sync point with Grabber tool
Snap region end to stationary playhead or Edit selection
Command-Control-click new region with Grabber tool
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
File Menu Commands
Missing Files Dialog Commands
Edit Menu Commands
Table 12. File menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
New Session Command+N
Open Session Command+O
Open Recent Command+Shift+O
Close session Command+Shift+W
Save Session Command+S
Bounce to Disk Command+Option+B
Import Session Data Shift+Option+I
Import Audio Command+Shift+I
Import MIDI Command+Option+l
Table 13. Missing Files dialog command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Skip all missing files Command+S
Manually find and relink all missing files Command+M
Automatically find and relink all missing files Command+A
Regenerate missing fades (toggle on/off) Command+R
Table 14. Edit menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Undo Command+Z
Redo Command+Shift+Z
Cut Command+X
Copy Command+C
Paste Command+V
Clear Command+B
Select All Command+A
Paste Special Merge Option+M
Paste Special Repeat to Fill Selection Command+Option+V
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Paste Special to Current Automation Type Command+Control+V
Change Timeline Selection to Edit Selection Option+Shift+6 (on numeric keypad)
Change Edit Selection to Match Timeline Selection Option+Shift+5 (on numeric keypad)
Play Edit Selection Option+[
Play Timeline Selection Option+]
Duplicate selection Command+D
Repeat selection Option+R
Shift selection Option+H
Insert Silence Command+Shift+E
Trim Region to Selection Command+T
Trim Region Start to Insertion Option+Shift+7
Trim Region End to Insertion Option+Shift+8
Separate Region at Selection Command+E
Heal Separation Command+H
Strip Silence Command+U
Consolidate selection Option+Shift+3
TCE Edit to Timeline selection
(Pro Tools HD systems only)
Automation Region menu commands See Table 15 on page 12
Fades Region menu commands See Table 16 on page 13
Table 14. Edit menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Table 15. Automation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Toggle Track View on all tracks Option+Minus (–) key (on QWERTY keyboard)
Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks
included in the current selection
Control+Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Change to previous/next Track View on all tracks Control+Option+Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Disable/enable Automation playlist on selected
Command-click on Track View selector
Disable/enable all Automation playlists on selected
Command-Shift-click on Track View selector
Open Plug-in Automation dialog Control-Alt-Start-click on Track View selector (in Edit window)
Access Plug-in Automation commands (Pro Tools HD
only): Automation dialog, Enable/disable plug-in
Command-Option-Control-click on parameters (in Plug-In window)
Copy Automation to Send (Pro Tools HD only) Command+Option+H
Thin Automation Command+Option+T
Write automation to start of session/selection
(Pro Tools HD only)
Control-click on Transport Return to Zero button
Write automation to end of session/selection
(Pro Tools HD only)
Control-click on Transport Go to End button
Write automation from start to end of session/
selection (Pro Tools HD only)
Control-Shift-click on Transport Go to End or Return to Zero button
Write Automation to Current Parameter
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Forward Slash (/)
Write Automation to All Enabled Parameters
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Option+Forward Slash (/)
Trim Automation to Current Parameter
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Shift+Forward Slash (/)
Trim Automation to All Enabled Parameters
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command+Option+Shift+Forward Slash (/)
Glide Automation to Current Parameter
(Pro Tools HD only)
Option+Forward Slash (/)
Glide Automation to All Enabled Parameters
(Pro Tools HD only)
Option+Shift+ Forward Slash (/)
Suspend Trim automation on all tracks In the Automation window, Command-click the Suspend button
Suspend currently displayed automation type on a
Command-click the control name in the Track View selector
Vertically constrain automation movement Press Shift and move automation with Grabber tool
Write new breakpoint at next automation value Press and hold Option+Shift while writing a breakpoint (by clicking with the Grabber
tool in a track’s Automation playlist)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Write new breakpoint at previous automation value Press and hold Command+Option while writing a breakpoint (by clicking with the
Grabber tool in a track’s Automation playlist)
AutoMatch all controls on a track (Pro Tools HD only) Command-click the Automation Mode selector on the track
AutoMatch all controls of one automation type
(Pro Tools HD only)
In the Automation window, Command-click the button for the automation type
AutoMatch all controls of one automation type on a
channel (Pro Tools HD with ICON work surface only)
Hold Command and press the Channel Strip Mode controls for the track whose controls
you want to AutoMatch
AutoMatch a Pan control or the controls for an individual
Insert or Send (Pro Tools HD with ICON work
surface only)
Hold Command and press the Rotary Encoder Select switch for the control you want
to AutoMatch
AutoMatch the controls for a plug-in displayed in the
Dynamics or EQ section (Pro Tools HD with ICON
work surface only)
Hold Command and press the Auto switch in the Dyn or EQ section of the console
Suspend preview
(Pro Tools HD only)
In the Automation window, Command-click the Preview button
Special Paste of automation data between different
Configure Write on Stop modes to remain enabled
after an automation pass (Pro Tools HD only)
Option-click one of the Write On Stop modes (Start, End, or All) to enable the Write
On Stop mode
Display Automation playlist of automation-enabled
plug-in control, track volume, or track pan
Command-Control-click on control
Delete* Backspace
Cut* Command+X
Copy* Command+C
Duplicate* Command+D
Clear* Command+B
Insert Silence Command+Shift+E
*Hold Down Control during the shortcut to affect all Automation playlists on the track
Table 15. Automation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 16. Fades shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Create Fades (open Fades dialog) Command+F
Apply crossfade without opening Fades dialog Command+Control+F (uses last selected fade shape)
Fade to Start Option+D
Fade to End Option+G
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Fades Dialog
The following shortcuts are active only when the Fades dialog is open.
View Menu
Track Menu Commands
Table 17. Fades dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Edit crossfade-in only in Fades dialog Option-drag fade-in curve (“None” mode only)
Edit crossfade-out only in Fades dialog Command-drag fade-out curve (“None” Link mode only)
Audition start/stop in Fades dialog Spacebar
Reset to default zoom in Fades dialog Command-click on Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons
Reset standard or S-shape crossfades to default
Option-click fade curve in crossfade fade window (“Equal Power” and “Equal Gain”
Link modes only)
Cycle up/down through Out Shape parameter
Control+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through In Shape parameter options Option+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through Link parameter options Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through preset Out Shape curves Control+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cycle up/down through preset In Shape curves Option+Left/Right Arrow keys
Table 18. View menu shortcuts
Task Shortcut
View Narrow Mix window option Command+Option+M
View Real-Time Properties window Option+4 (on the numeric keypad)
Table 19. Track menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
New Track Command+Shift+N
Group Tracks Command+G (with two or more tracks selected)
Duplicate Tracks Option+Shift+D
Auto Input Monitoring/Input Only Monitoring
(Pro Tools LE only)
Set Record Tracks to Input Only/Set Record Track to
Auto Input (Pro Tools HD)
Scroll to Track number Command+Option+F
Clear all Clip indicators Option+C
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
New Tracks Dialog
The following shortcuts are active only when the New Tracks dialog is open.
Track List
Mix Group List and Edit Group List
Create Group and Modify Group Dialogs
Table 20. New Tracks dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Cycle through Track Type choices Command+Up/Down Arrow keys
Cycle through Track Format choices Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Cycle through Track Timebase choices Command+Option+Up/Down Arrow keys
Add or delete a Track Entry field Command+Plus/Minus (+/–) keys or Command+Shift+Up/Down Arrow keys
Re-arrange Track Entry field (move up/down) Drag the Move Row icon (at the right of each Track Entry row) to desired position
Table 21. Track List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Hide all tracks Option-click on a highlighted track name in Track List
Show all tracks Option-click on an unhighlighted track name in Track List
Table 22. Group List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Temporarily isolate channel strip from Groups Control-click (or Right-click) applicable Group parameter
Suspend All Groups Command+Shift+G, or Command-click on Groups pop-up menu
Rename group Double-click to far left of Group name in Group List
Group enable/disable Click the Group List Keyboard Focus, then type the letter corresponding to desired
Select all tracks in group Click to the left of a Group name in Group List
Show group members only Control-click on Group(s) in Group List
Table 23. Group dialogs shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Add selected track to a group in Tracks View Press A
Remove selected track from a group in Tracks View Press R
Select or deselect all attributes in Attributes View Option-Shift-click any attributes
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Region Menu Commands
Region List
Select or deselect all attributes for a single Send or
Insert (across a row) in Attributes View
Control-click any attribute in a row
Select or deselect attributes for a single control
across all Sends, all Inserts, or for the four track
controls (down a column) in Attributes View
Option-click any attribute in a column
Table 24. Region Menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Mute/Unmute Regions Command+M
Lock/Unlock Regions Command+L
Bring to Front Option+Shift+F
Send to Back Option+Shift+B
Group Regions Command+Option+G
Ungroup Regions Command+Option+U
Regroup regions Command+Option+R
Loop Region Command+Option+L
Capture Region Command+R
Identify Sync Point Command+Comma (,)
Quantize Region to Nearest Grid Command+0
Table 25. Region List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Select region by name Click the Region List a–z button, then type the first letters of the desired region
Find region Command+Shift+F
Clear Find Command+Shift+D
Show/Hide Audio regions Command+Shift+1 (on numeric keypad)
Show/Hide MIDI regions Command+Shift+2 (on numeric keypad)
Show/Hide Groups Command+Shift+3 (on numeric keypad)
Show/Hide Auto-Created region Command+Option+K
Select All regions in Region List Command+Shift+A
Select Unused regions Command+Shift+U
Table 23. Group dialogs shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Event Menu Commands
Clear selected regions Command+Shift+B
Rename selected regions Command+Shift+R
Time Stamp selected regions Command+Shift+M
Export Region Definition Command+Shift+Y
Export Regions as Files Command+Shift+K
Select or deselect a region Command-click a region
Select multiple contiguous regions Click one region, then Shift-click another region to select all regions between
Select or deselect multiple discontiguous regions
with the Marquee
Place the cursor to the left of the names in the Region List. When the Marquee (“+”)
appears, hold Command and drag to select or deselect the desired regions
Bypass dialogs during deletion of audio files Option-click Delete and Yes box when prompted
Audition region in Region List Option-click and hold on region in Region List
Rename region/file Double-click region in Region List, or double-click with Grabber tool on region in playlist
Constrain region placement to start at play/edit cursor
location or selection start
Control and drag region
Constrain region placement to end at play/edit cursor
location or selection start
Command+Control and drag region
Table 25. Region List shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 26. Event Menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Open Time Operations window Option+1 (on numeric keypad)
Open Tempo Operations window Option+2 (on numeric keypad)
Open MIDI Operations window Option+3 (on numeric keypad)
Grid/Groove Quantize (in MIDI Operations window) Option+0 (on numeric keypad)
Change Duration (in MIDI Operations window) Option+P
Transpose (in MIDI Operations window) Option+T
Select/Split Notes (in MIDI Operations window) Option+Y
Open MIDI Event List window Option+Equal (=)
Open Beat Detective window Command+8 (on numeric keypad)
Identify Beat Command+I
All MIDI Notes Off Command+Shift+Period (.)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
MIDI Events List Entry
The following shortcuts are active only when the MIDI Event List window is open.
MIDI Step Input
The following shortcuts are available in the MIDI Step Input window, when Enable Numeric Keypad Shortcuts is enabled.
Table 27. MIDI Events List window shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Enter start time field for editing Command+Enter (on numeric keypad)
Show Event Filter dialog Command+F
Go to Command+G
Scroll to Edit selection Command+H
Insert another event Command+M
Insert note Command+N
Insert Program Change Command-P
Insert Controller Command-L
Insert Poly Pressure Command-O
Delete event in MIDI Events List Option-click
Table 28. MIDI Step Input shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Whole note 1
1/2 note 2
1/4 note 4
1/8 note 5
1/16 note 6
1/32 note 7
1/64 note 8
Dotted note . (decimal key)
Toggle Tuplet on/off 3
Next step Enter
Undo step 0
Nudge forward +
Nudge back –
Select Main Location indicator =
Edit Selection indicators /
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Options Menu Commands
Setup Menu Commands
Peripherals Dialog
Preferences Dialog
Table 29. Option menus command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Transport Online Command+J
Video Track Online Command+Shift+J
Auto-Spot Regions Command+P
Additional Options menu commands in Playback and Recording (Table 3 on page 3)
Table 30. Preferences dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Session Setup window Command+2 (on the numeric keypad)
Table 31. Peripherals dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Go to Synchronization window Command+1
Go to Machine Control window Command+2
Go to MIDI Controllers window Command+3
Go to Ethernet Controllers window Command+4
Go to Mic Preamps window (Pro Tools HD only) Command+5
Table 32. Preferences dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Go to Display window Command+1
Go to Operation window Command+2
Go to Editing window Command+3
Go to Automation window Command+4
Go to Processing window Command+5
Go to MIDI window Command+6
Go to Machine Control window Command+7
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Window Menu Commands
Table 33. Window menu command shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Toggle Mix and Edit windows Command+Equal (=)
Hide All Floating Windows Command+Option+Control+W
Show Window Configuration List Command+Option+J
Show Task Manager window Option+Apostrophe (‘)
Show Workspace browser Option+Semi-Colon (;)
Show Project browser Option+O
Bring to Front Option+J
Send to Back Option+Shift+J
Show Transport window Command+1 (on numeric keypad)
Show Big Counter window Command+3 (on numeric keypad)
Show Automation Enable window Command+4 (on numeric keypad)
Show Memory Locations window Command+5 (on numeric keypad)
Machine Track Arming window Command+6 (on numeric keypad)
Universe window (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE
with DV Toolkit 2 only)
Command+7 (on numeric keypad)
Display Video window Command+9 (on numeric keypad)
Access Video window commands (Pro Tools HD and
Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only): Online, Video
Out Firewire, Half Size, Actual Size, Double Size, Fit
Control-click in the Video window
Access Universe window commands (Pro Tools HD
and DV Toolkit 2 only): Video Universe, increase,
Control-click (or Right-click) in the Universe window
Table 34. Zoom shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Horizontal zoom in or out Command+ ] or [
Vertical zoom in or out (Audio) Command+Option+ ] or [
Vertical zoom in or out (MIDI) Command+Shift+ ] or [
Fill window with selection Option-click on Zoomer tool or Option+F
View entire session Double-click on Zoomer tool or Option+A
Zoom vertical and horizontal axis Hold down Command key while dragging the Zoomer tool
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Window Configuration
Memory Locations and Markers
Import Audio Dialog
Zoom to previous orientation Option-click on any Horizontal Zoom In or Out button, or Audio or MIDI Zoom In or Out
Maximum zoom before waveform drawn from disk Command-click on Zoomer tool (faster drawing from RAM)
Zoom Toggle Control+E
Zoom presets 1–5 Control+Zoom preset number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY keyboard),
or Zoom preset number (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 on QWERTY keyboard, in Commands Keyboard
Table 34. Zoom shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 35. Window Configuration shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Add new Window Configuration or replace existing
one in Window Configuration List
Period (.)+number (1–99)+Plus (+)
Recall a Window Configuration Period (.)+Window Configuration number (1–99)+Asterisk (*)
Table 36. Memory Locations shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Create Memory Location Enter (on numeric keypad)
Reset a Memory Location Control-click on Memory Location button
Delete Memory Location Option-click on a Memory Location button
Recall a Memory Location using the numeric keypad Period (.)+Memory Location number+Period (.) (Transport or Shuttle mode),
or Memory Location number+Period (.) (Classic mode)
Move only the Song Start Marker, without moving
any tick-based data
Control-Shift-drag the Song Start Marker
Table 37. Import Audio dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Start/stop audition of currently selected audio
Command+P, or Command+Spacebar
Add currently selected audio region or file to list Command+A
(if audio file has the same sample rate and bit depth as the current session)
Convert and import selected audio region/files Command+C
Remove currently selected audio files/regions from
Regions to Import field
22 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Import Video Dialog
Plug-In Settings Librarian
The following shortcuts apply in the current target plug-in (Target icon is lit in plug-in window).
Plug-In Controls
Remove all audio files/regions from Regions in Current
File field
Random-access fwd/rew search selected file Drag slider to, or click at, new location
Move between file windows Tab
Cancel Escape
Table 37. Import Audio dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 38. Import Video dialog shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Bypass Video Import Options dialog when importing
video into Pro Tools
Option-drag one or more video files from a DigiBase browser or the Region List to any
location in the Timeline
Table 39. Plug-In Settings Librarian Menu shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Save settings Command+Shift+S
Copy settings Command+Shift+C
Paste settings Command+Shift+V
Switch between Librarian Settings subfolders in the
Plug-in Settings dialog
Command+Up/Down Arrow keys
Switch between settings files in the Plug-In Settings
Up/Down or Left/Right Arrow keys
Table 40. Target Plug-In window shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Change plug-in control setting in parameter field Click mouse in text field and type desired value
Move down/up to next/previous parameter fields Tab or Shift+Tab
Increase/decrease slider value Up/Down Arrow keys
Input value without leaving field Enter (on numeric keypad)
Enter value and exit Keyboard Entry mode Return
For fields that support kHz (kiloHertz) Type “k” after number (multiplies by 1000)
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 23
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to: current Location Counter, Transport window time fields, Start/End/Length fields in
the Edit window, Spot dialog, and the Big Counter.
Table 41. Mixing shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Make track active/inactive Command-Control-click Track Type icon in Mix window
Set all faders to their automation null points Option-click on either AutoMatch indicator
Reset a control to default value Option-click on control
Volume/Peak/Channel Delay amount Command-click on Track Volume/Peak/Channel Delay indicator
Clear peak or clip-hold from meter Click on indicator
Peak counter reset in Headroom indicator mode Click on Headroom indicator
Bypass plug-in insert Command-click on insert name in Inserts view
Bypass Send mute Command-click on send name in Sends view
Toggle Send display between “All” and “Individual” Command-click on Send selector
Bypass Delay Compensation View indicators
(Pro Tools HD only)
Command-Control-click on Plug-In Delay, User Offset, or Track Compensation indicator
Table 42. Numeric Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Edit Current Location and Big Counters Asterisk (*) (on numeric keypad)
Edit Start/End/Length fields (Edit window) Forward Slash (/).
Subsequent presses toggle through fields.
Initiate time entry in Transport window fields Option+Forward Slash (/) (on numeric keypad).
Subsequent presses toggle through fields
Capture incoming time code in Session Setup window
(with Start field selected)
Comma (,)
Capture incoming time code in Spot dialog and Time
Stamp Selected dialog
Equals (=). Hold down key for continued input.
Move sub-unit selection to the right Period (.)
Move sub-unit selection to the left/right Left/Right Arrow keys
Calculator Entry mode Plus (+) or Minus (–) keys followed by offset number (subtraction not supported in
Increment/decrement the current sub-unit Up/Down Arrow keys
Change Time Code unit selection. First entry zeroes
(00) lowest sub-unit. Subsequent entry zeroes (00)
the next highest sub-unit.
Period (.)
Apply entered numeric value Enter
24 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Text Entry
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to: naming channel strips, the Get Info dialog and I/O Setup path names.
Clear entered numeric value and exit Time Entry
Esc (Escape) key
Note: When Time Code is the selected time scale, initiating a time entry highlights entire field, and numeric values are entered right to left
Table 42. Numeric Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 43. Text Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Move down or up rows Tab or Shift+Tab
Move to beginning or end of edit contents Up/Down Arrow keys
Move single letters at a time across a name label Left/Right Arrow keys
Select entire word Double-click on word
Select entire line Triple-click on a word in the line
Table 44. Miscellaneous shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Increase or decrease track height Control+Up/Down Arrow keys
Increase track height continuously Command-click and drag track
Set all tracks to selected record drive in Disk Allocation
Option-click on record drive
Display Playlist selector (requires selection start or
flashing insertion point match user time stamp of
Command-click with Selector tool at start or current cursor location
Display and adjust the AFL/PFL Path fader while in
AFL/PFL mode (Pro Tools HD systems only)
Command-click a Solo button
Access Playback Engine dialog during Pro Tools
Hold down N key while launching Pro Tools
Bypass repeat dialogs when multiple items are
changed by single operation (such as Clear, Delete,
Option-click “Proceed” button in dialog
Close all open Plug-In, Send, Pan, and Mic Pre windows
Close active Mix or Edit window (if both are open) or
active browser (if two or more browsers are open)
Quit Pro Tools Command+Q
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 25
Keyboard Focus
Commands Keyboard Focus Mode
To use the following single key shortcuts, click the Commands Keyboard Focus button in the Edit window so that it remains lit.
Or, use the Control key in combination with the single keys listed below.
Table 45. Keyboard Focus shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Commands Keyboard Focus Command+Option+1
Region List Keyboard Focus Command+Option+2
Group List Keyboard Focus Command+Option+3
Table 46. Commands Keyboard Focus mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Zoom presets 1–5 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Play to/from edit start by pre/post-roll value 6/7 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Play to/from edit end by pre/post roll amount 8/9 (on QWERTY keyboard)
Copy Edit selection to Timeline selection O (on QWERTY keyboard)
Copy Timeline selection to Edit selection
(Pro Tools HD only)
Toggle pre-defined common Track Views
(audio track = Waveform and Volume;
MIDI track = Notes and Regions;
Instrument tracks = Notes and Regions)
Minus (–) key (on QWERTY keyboard)
Capture Time Code =
Center Timeline selection start Q
Center Timeline selection end W
Zoom Toggle E
Zoom Out horizontally R
Zoom In horizontally T
Snap start (of selected region) to time code Y (HD systems only)
Snap sync point (of selected region) to time code U (HD systems only)
Snap end (of selected region) to time code I (HD systems only)
Snap start (of selected region) to playhead H
Snap sync point (of selected region) to playhead J (HD systems only)
Snap end (of selected region) to playhead K (HD systems only)
Move Edit selection up P
Move Edit selection down Semi-Colon (;)
26 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Scroll Wheel Commands
The following keyboard shortcuts apply to moving scrollbars on systems with a scroll wheel.
Tab back L
Tab forward Apostrophe (‘)
Play Timeline Selection (Pro Tools HD only) ]
Play Edit Selection [
Trim Start to Insertion A
Trim End to Insertion S
Fade to Start (available if no selection) D
Fade (without showing Fades dialog) F
Fade to End (available if no selection) G
Undo Z
Cut X
Copy C
Paste V
Separate B
Timeline Insertion follows Playback (disable/enable) N
Nudge back by Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
Comma (,)
Nudge forward by Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
Period (.)
Nudge back by next large Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
Nudge forward by next larger Nudge value;
Nudge Timeline selection (Link Timeline and Edit
Selection disabled) or Nudge region (Link Timeline
and Edit Selection enabled)
/ (Forward Slash) (on QWERTY keyboard)
Table 46. Commands Keyboard Focus mode shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Table 47. Text Entry shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Scroll horizontally Shift+Scroll Wheel
Fine-tune scroll (Fine Adjust mode) Command+Scroll Wheel
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 27
DigiBase Shortcuts
The following shortcuts are available only in DigiBase windows, as noted.
DigiBase Browser and Window Keyboard Shortcuts
DigiBase Auditioning Keyboard Shortcuts
Zoom in/out of timeline Option+Scroll Wheel in timeline
Zoom in/out of waveforms Option+Shift+Scroll Wheel in timeline
Table 47. Text Entry shortcuts
Table 48. DigiBase Browser and window shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Open the Workspace browser Option+Semi-Colon
Open the Task Manager window Option+Apostrophe (‘)
Open or closes the Project browser Option+O
Bring all browsers to the foreground Option+J
Send all browsers to the back Option+Shift+J
Cycle to previous/next browsers Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Zoom presets in the Edit window
– or –
View presets in DigiBase browsers
Control+1, 2, 3, 4, or 5
Table 49. DigiBase auditioning shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Browser Item: Start or stop auditioning from head
(when Spacebar Toggle File Preview is enabled)
– or –
Audio Import dialog:
Start or stop auditioning from head
Browser Item: Start or stop loop auditioning from
Start or stop preview when browser is front-most window
Stop preview when browser is front-most window Escape
Import Audio dialog: Start or stop auditioning Command+P
28 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
DigiBase Delete or Duplicate Keyboard Shortcuts
DigiBase Mouse Click Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 50. DigiBase Delete or Duplicate shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Region List: Delete a Region from the timeline
– or –
Browser Item: Delete items from the browser/disk
Delete locked files selected in a browser Command+Delete
Delete any selected browser item, and suppresses
any warning dialog
Create duplicates of any selected files Command+D
Table 51. DigiBase mouse click shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Select contiguous items in a browser or column
Select all of the files in a multichannel file in a
Column Headers: Make a secondary sort order
– or –
Region List: Audition a file
– or –
Browser Find Button: Cancel a search, and closes
the Search pane
– or –
Browser Close Box: Close all open browsers
Column Header: Access list of columns that can be
shown or hid
Control-click in any DigiBase column label
Browser Back Button: Open the navigation menu
– or –
Browser Items: Select discontiguous items
– or –
Column Headers: Select discontinuous column
– or –
Browser Up Button: Open menu for navigating up several
– or –
Browser View Preset Buttons: Store column order
and width, and sort order
Region List: Select a region without changing which
region is highlighted in Timeline
Browser Items: Open a new window and leaves the
original window open
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 29
DigiBase Drag and Drop Keyboard Shortcuts
Table 52. DigiBase drag and drop shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Browser Item: From one folder to another folder on
the same volume, create a copy of that item in the
target location
– or –
Browser Media File to Region List or Timeline: Create
a copy of the media file in the session’s Audio Files
Option-drag and drop
Browser File: Import to Timeline and create a new
Shift-drag and drop
Waveform Display: Set sync point and spots to Timeline
– or –
Region List: Open the Replace Region dialog
(Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only)
Command-drag and drop
Waveform Display: Set the sync point and spot to the
Timeline and copy the audio file
Command-Option-drag and drop
Region List: Snap to head
– or –
Browser Audio File, from Name or Icon: Snap to head
– or –
Browser Audio File, from Waveform Display: Spot to
temporary sync point
Control-drag and drop
Browser Audio File to Timeline: Snap to head and
copy the audio file to the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Option-drag and drop
Region List: Snap to sync point
– or –
Browser Item: Snap to sync point
Control-Shift-drag and drop
Browser Item: Snap to sync point and copy the audio
file to the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Option-Shift-drag and drop
Region List: Snap to tail
– or –
Browser Item: Snap to tail
Control-Command-drag and drop
Browser Item: Snap to tail and copy the audio file to
the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Command-Option-drag and drop
Browser Item: Spot with variable cursor Control-Command-Shift drag and drop
Browser Item: Spot with variable cursor and copy the
audio file to the session’s Audio Files folder
Control-Command-Option-Shift-drag and drop
30 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
DigiBase Navigation Shortcuts
Table 53. DigiBase navigation shortcuts
Task Shortcut
Selection up Up Arrow key
Selection down Down Arrow key
Scroll Page up Page Up
Scroll Page down Page Down
Scroll to top of browser Home
Scroll to bottom of browser End
Scroll to track Command+Option+F
Up one browser level (same as Up arrow icon) Command+Up Arrow key
Open folder (same window) Command+Down Arrow key
Open folder (new window) Command+Option+Down Arrow key
Open Show/Hide icon Right Arrow key
Close Show/Hide icon Left Arrow key
Cycle to next or previous browser Command+Left/Right Arrow keys
Enter/exit Name Edit field Enter or Return
Revert to original text Escape (Esc) key
Open/close Search pane Command+F
Move to next Search field Tab
Move to previous Search field Shift+Tab
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 31
Right-Click Shortcuts
Mix Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Mix Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Channel Volume fader
Channel Pan slider
Channel Mute button
Channel Solo button
Channel Record Enable button
Channel TrackInput button
Send fader
Send Pan slider
Temporarily isolate control from group operation
Channel Input selector
Channel Output selector
Access I/O commands:
• Make Active/Inactive
• Rename
Send name Access Send commands:
• Mute Send
• Make Active/Inactive
• Rename
Insert selector Access Insert commands:
• Bypass
• Make Active/Inactive
• Automation dialog (plug-ins only)
• Automation Safe (plug-ins only)
• Rename (hardware I/O only)
Track name
(in Mix window, Edit window and Track List)
Access Track commands:
• Hide/Show
• Hide and Make Inactive
• Make Active/Inactive
• Scroll Into View
• Send to Sibelius (MIDI and Instrument tracks only)
• Export MIDI (MIDI and Instrument tracks only)
• Locked (video track only)
• Rename
• Duplicate
• Split Into Mono (multichannel tracks only
• Delete
• Coalesce VCA Master Automation (Pro Tools HD only)
• Coalesce Trim Automation (Pro Tools HD only)
• Clear Trim Automation (Pro Tools HD only)
• Expand to New Track (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only)
Surround Panning Mode button
(in Surround Output Window) (Pro Tools HD
Access Panning modes:
• X/Y Mode
• 3-Knob mode
• Divergence Editing mode
• AutoGlide mode
32 Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools
Edit Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Region List items Access Region List commands:
• Clear
• Rename
• Time Stamp
• Replace Region (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 only)
• Compact
• Export Region Definition
• Export Regions as Files
• Recalculate Waveform Overviews
• Select Parent in Workspace
• Object Select in Edit Window
Group List items Access Group List commands and information:
• Group ID
• Tracks (list of tracks in Group)
• Attributes (list of Group Attributes) (Pro Tools HD only)
• Modify
• Duplicate
• Delete
• Select Tracks in Group
• Show/Hide Tracks in Group
• Show/Hide Only Tracks in Group
• Show/Hide All Tracks
Edit Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Timeline or point in region previously selected
with Selector tool
Access commands:
• Separate
• Matches (Channels or Alternates)
Region or region selection Access Edit and Region commands:
• Cut
• Copy
• Paste
• Clear
• Matches (Channels or Alternates)
• Separate
• Delete Fades
• Snap to Next
• Snap to Previous
• Spot
• Group Regions
• Ungroup Regions
Control-Right-click region (Windows)
Command-Right-click region (Mac)
Access Move Region commands:
• Move Region Start to Selection Start
• Move Region Sync to Selection Start
• Move Region End to Selection Start
Mix Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Mac Shortcuts for Pro Tools 33
Transport Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Universe Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Video Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Transport Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task
Transport Play button Access Playback modes:
• Half Speed
• Prime for Playback
• Loop Playback
• Loop Transport Mode
Transport Record button Cycle through Record modes:
• Normal
• Loop
• Destructive
• QuickPunch
• TrackPunch (Pro Tools HD only)
• DestructivePunch (Pro Tools HD only)
Transport Return to Zero button Access Automation commands (Pro Tools HD only):
• Write to Start
• Write to All
Transport Go To End button Access Automation commands (Pro Tools HD only):
• Write to End
• Write to All
Universe Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 Only)
Universe window Access Universe window commands
Video Window Right-Click Commands and Menus
Right-click Shortcut Task (Pro Tools HD and Pro Tools LE with DV Toolkit 2 Only)
Video window Access Video window commands:
• Online
• Video Out Firewire
• Half Size
• Actual Size
• Double Size
• Fit Screen
Sunday, October 3, 2010
How To Remove Windows Genuine Authentication
1. Restart your computer and boot into safe mode (press F8 while you restart your computer)
2. Choose Running Safe Mode then go To Windows Explorer
then browse to C:\Windows\System32\
3. Search for WgaTray.exe and Delete it. If you can’t deteted this file, try this method, Ctrl+Alt+Del and find WgaTray.exe and endtask this program and then deteled WgaTray.exe quick as possible
4. Then Start > RUN > Regedit then go to Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify and delete the WGALOGON folder.
5. Reboot your computer and you are done.
That’s it, I hope out tutorial Remove Windows Genuine Authentication work on you another resource can be found here, here and http://www.teeeh.com/troubleshooting-and-fixes/how-to-remove-windows-genuine-advantage-notification-wga/here
DISCLAIMER: We do not condone having pirated copies of Windows on your computer. You should have one CAL per computer. This is for super and extra educational purposes only.
2. Choose Running Safe Mode then go To Windows Explorer
then browse to C:\Windows\System32\
3. Search for WgaTray.exe and Delete it. If you can’t deteted this file, try this method, Ctrl+Alt+Del and find WgaTray.exe and endtask this program and then deteled WgaTray.exe quick as possible
4. Then Start > RUN > Regedit then go to Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify and delete the WGALOGON folder.
5. Reboot your computer and you are done.
That’s it, I hope out tutorial Remove Windows Genuine Authentication work on you another resource can be found here, here and http://www.teeeh.com/troubleshooting-and-fixes/how-to-remove-windows-genuine-advantage-notification-wga/here
DISCLAIMER: We do not condone having pirated copies of Windows on your computer. You should have one CAL per computer. This is for super and extra educational purposes only.
0% How To Increase Your Internet Speed By 20%
If you want to tap into this locked speed then make the following changes:
1. Go to Start-> Run-> and type gpedit.msc
2. Expand the Administrative Templates branch
3. Expand the Network tab
4. Highlight QoS Packet Scheduler
5. Click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth and check the enabled box
6. Then Change the Bandwidth limit % to 0 %
1. Go to Start-> Run-> and type gpedit.msc
2. Expand the Administrative Templates branch
3. Expand the Network tab
4. Highlight QoS Packet Scheduler
5. Click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth and check the enabled box
6. Then Change the Bandwidth limit % to 0 %
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Latest Airtel Hack 2008
Now a days Airtel gives New option to the Subscriber to access Mobile Office daily @25.00/perday. But this is too Costly. Only 24 hours and the cost is 25.00. Oh GOD!!
But I got a Trick thats help me to Activate my Mobile Office whole 30 days only for 25.00/. Its really goood.
Just follow the Trick.
1. Your account balance should be above 25.00 for the first time.
2. Acitave your mobile office by dailing *444*1#. You will Activate your Mobile Office in the Morning.
3. You got an Activation msg. Your account should deducted by 25.00/
4. After that your can enjoy mobile office for 24 hours.
5. But for unlimited access you will do this :: Just switch off your mobile from 7.00 am to 10.00am. and your account balance should be below 25.00 /
6. Just try it enjoy the whole world only by 25.00.
I am Sure you should be Benifited. JUST TRY IT!!!!!!!!!
Note: If this hack does not work for you then we have found another Hack for Unlimited free GPRS for Airtel User.
But I got a Trick thats help me to Activate my Mobile Office whole 30 days only for 25.00/. Its really goood.
Just follow the Trick.
1. Your account balance should be above 25.00 for the first time.
2. Acitave your mobile office by dailing *444*1#. You will Activate your Mobile Office in the Morning.
3. You got an Activation msg. Your account should deducted by 25.00/
4. After that your can enjoy mobile office for 24 hours.
5. But for unlimited access you will do this :: Just switch off your mobile from 7.00 am to 10.00am. and your account balance should be below 25.00 /
6. Just try it enjoy the whole world only by 25.00.
I am Sure you should be Benifited. JUST TRY IT!!!!!!!!!
Note: If this hack does not work for you then we have found another Hack for Unlimited free GPRS for Airtel User.
18 Tips to Improve your Apple iPhone Battery life
The iPhone is a great device for performing a wide variety of functions, like sending email, watching a movie, getting directions to a destination, playing games, surfing the internet, or of course, making a phone call. One thing that hampers the iPhone’s ability to be a worry-free productivity device is its the battery life. It can vary widely depending on how you use your iPhone. So here are few Tips that will definately increase your battery life in your iPhone (They are also applicable to your iPod. Not tested on iPad but you may try it).
Power-cycling the iPhone: A good place to start out is by power-cycling the iPhone. You can do this by holding down the power button on the top of the iPhone until you see the “Slide to Power Off” screen. Once the iPhone is off, go ahead and push the power button again to turn it on. Use the iPhone as you normally would and see how the battery life is lasting.
Drain the battery fully: Go to Settings -> General -> Auto-Lock and set it to Never. This is to wear the battery down. After the battery discharged and it was shut down for a few minutes push the home button to ‘revive’ it. Once the battery sits a moment it can pull some reserve power. Do this repeatedly until the screen displayed an empty battery image and it wouldn’t stay on for more than a second. Now charge it completely. Now your battery is as good as new.
Avoiding the Extremes: If you want to enhance your iPhone battery lifespan remember to avoid temperature extremes. Avoid using your iPhone at temperatures higher than 95° F (or 35° C) and in very cold environments. Using the iPhone in very hot conditions can inflict permanent battery damage whereas cold temp usage causes temporary battery performance degradation.
Regular Updates: Keep your iPhone software constantly updated to ensure your phone has the latest battery performance maximisation technology.
Optimise the Settings: Some apps are battery draining like viewing videos, gaming, email and so on. Just remember the following battery tips to maximise its life.
Minimize use of Location Services by using it only when needed or disabling the location services option.
Set your Fetch New Data options to hourly or fetch data manually. Frequent use of mail client only drains the battery faster.
Disable your Push Mail client when not needed to avoid receiving mail as they arrive.
Limit Third-party Application Usage: 3 rd party apps like games prevent auto power saving options like screen dimming or switching off hence the battery is constantly at peak performance.
Turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G: When not in use switch off these apps to conserve battery. Also note using Wi-Fi to access the net instead of the cellular network service requires less power.
Use your iPhone regularly: It may sound weird but its true that not using the iPhone for long time at a stretch decreases the battery life. Use it regularly and charge the battery at least once every six months even if you don’t use your iPhone regularly.
Turn off keyboard clicks: If you frequently use your iPhone’s keyboard, navigate to the Sounds pane of Settings and turn the option for Keyboard clicks off.
Connect iPhone directly to computer to charge: If you are connecting your iPhone to a computer instead of a wall socket to charge it, don’t connect iPhone to your keyboard or another USB hub/bridge. Make sure it is plugged directly into one of your computer’s USB 2.0 ports.
Turn off 3G: If you’re really low on battery, and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep the phone alive for emergency situations, then go and turn off 3G. Hey, EDGE sucks, but it still works.
Turn off EQ: Applying EQ settings to your iPhone apparently drains extra battery. If you’re planning on keeping your phone alive all day, turn the EQ settings off.
Turn Off Vibrate in Games: A lot of games have very frequent vibrations, which drain battery life. If you can, turn them off in the game’s settings.
Don’t download from iTunes or App Store wirelessly: Downloading apps and media is hard on the battery. Just wait until you get home and use your computer.
Turn SSH Off: SSH runs is background and drains battery, this can be turned off from the application BossPrefs OR from default SSH service icon. This runs in the background to detect any network activity and this is the main cause of poor battery time for all jailbreak iPhones.
Turn off Auto-Brightness: Auto brightness changes the iPhone’s screen brightness on the basis of surrounding light which consumes battery through auto brightness process and changing from low brightness to high brightness level. Turing off this process will stop a back end process and constant brightness level will not consume more battery due to change in brightness level.
Lower the Brightness: More screen brightness requires more battery. A reasonable brightness level is between, 25% to 30% which will brighten up the iPhone screen display good for both day and night.
Use your discretion: You understand what’s bad for battery life – doing things that look like they would take a lot of battery life. Just be reasonable. Plan ahead. When you know you won’t charge your phone for hours, don’t go playing games. Resist. Don’t pass your phone around to your friends who say “Oohhh iPhone lemme play.” Don’t take the smart out of smart phone
Power-cycling the iPhone: A good place to start out is by power-cycling the iPhone. You can do this by holding down the power button on the top of the iPhone until you see the “Slide to Power Off” screen. Once the iPhone is off, go ahead and push the power button again to turn it on. Use the iPhone as you normally would and see how the battery life is lasting.
Drain the battery fully: Go to Settings -> General -> Auto-Lock and set it to Never. This is to wear the battery down. After the battery discharged and it was shut down for a few minutes push the home button to ‘revive’ it. Once the battery sits a moment it can pull some reserve power. Do this repeatedly until the screen displayed an empty battery image and it wouldn’t stay on for more than a second. Now charge it completely. Now your battery is as good as new.
Avoiding the Extremes: If you want to enhance your iPhone battery lifespan remember to avoid temperature extremes. Avoid using your iPhone at temperatures higher than 95° F (or 35° C) and in very cold environments. Using the iPhone in very hot conditions can inflict permanent battery damage whereas cold temp usage causes temporary battery performance degradation.
Regular Updates: Keep your iPhone software constantly updated to ensure your phone has the latest battery performance maximisation technology.
Optimise the Settings: Some apps are battery draining like viewing videos, gaming, email and so on. Just remember the following battery tips to maximise its life.
Minimize use of Location Services by using it only when needed or disabling the location services option.
Set your Fetch New Data options to hourly or fetch data manually. Frequent use of mail client only drains the battery faster.
Disable your Push Mail client when not needed to avoid receiving mail as they arrive.
Limit Third-party Application Usage: 3 rd party apps like games prevent auto power saving options like screen dimming or switching off hence the battery is constantly at peak performance.
Turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G: When not in use switch off these apps to conserve battery. Also note using Wi-Fi to access the net instead of the cellular network service requires less power.
Use your iPhone regularly: It may sound weird but its true that not using the iPhone for long time at a stretch decreases the battery life. Use it regularly and charge the battery at least once every six months even if you don’t use your iPhone regularly.
Turn off keyboard clicks: If you frequently use your iPhone’s keyboard, navigate to the Sounds pane of Settings and turn the option for Keyboard clicks off.
Connect iPhone directly to computer to charge: If you are connecting your iPhone to a computer instead of a wall socket to charge it, don’t connect iPhone to your keyboard or another USB hub/bridge. Make sure it is plugged directly into one of your computer’s USB 2.0 ports.
Turn off 3G: If you’re really low on battery, and are willing to do whatever it takes to keep the phone alive for emergency situations, then go and turn off 3G. Hey, EDGE sucks, but it still works.
Turn off EQ: Applying EQ settings to your iPhone apparently drains extra battery. If you’re planning on keeping your phone alive all day, turn the EQ settings off.
Turn Off Vibrate in Games: A lot of games have very frequent vibrations, which drain battery life. If you can, turn them off in the game’s settings.
Don’t download from iTunes or App Store wirelessly: Downloading apps and media is hard on the battery. Just wait until you get home and use your computer.
Turn SSH Off: SSH runs is background and drains battery, this can be turned off from the application BossPrefs OR from default SSH service icon. This runs in the background to detect any network activity and this is the main cause of poor battery time for all jailbreak iPhones.
Turn off Auto-Brightness: Auto brightness changes the iPhone’s screen brightness on the basis of surrounding light which consumes battery through auto brightness process and changing from low brightness to high brightness level. Turing off this process will stop a back end process and constant brightness level will not consume more battery due to change in brightness level.
Lower the Brightness: More screen brightness requires more battery. A reasonable brightness level is between, 25% to 30% which will brighten up the iPhone screen display good for both day and night.
Use your discretion: You understand what’s bad for battery life – doing things that look like they would take a lot of battery life. Just be reasonable. Plan ahead. When you know you won’t charge your phone for hours, don’t go playing games. Resist. Don’t pass your phone around to your friends who say “Oohhh iPhone lemme play.” Don’t take the smart out of smart phone
Hack a Website Using Remote File Inclusion
Remote file inclusion is basically a one of the most common vulnerability found in web application. This type of vulnerability allows the Hacker or attacker to add a remote file on the web server. If the attacker gets successful in performing the attack he/she will gain access to the web server and hence can execute any command on it.
Searching the Vulnerability
Remote File inclusion vulnerability is usually occured in those sites which have a navigation similar to the below one
To find the vulnerability the hacker will most commonly use the following Google Dork
This will show all the pages which has “index.php?page=” in their URL, Now to test whether the website is vulnerable to Remote file Inclusion or not the hacker use the following command
Lets say that the target website is http://www.cbspk.com
So the hacker url will become
If after executing the command the homepage of the google shows up then then the website is vulnerable to this attack if it does not come up then you should look for a new target. In my case after executing the above command in the address bar Google homepage shows up indicating that the website is vulnerable to this attack
Searching the Vulnerability
Remote File inclusion vulnerability is usually occured in those sites which have a navigation similar to the below one
To find the vulnerability the hacker will most commonly use the following Google Dork
This will show all the pages which has “index.php?page=” in their URL, Now to test whether the website is vulnerable to Remote file Inclusion or not the hacker use the following command
Lets say that the target website is http://www.cbspk.com
So the hacker url will become
If after executing the command the homepage of the google shows up then then the website is vulnerable to this attack if it does not come up then you should look for a new target. In my case after executing the above command in the address bar Google homepage shows up indicating that the website is vulnerable to this attack
Tech Update for this Week #1
Hi Friends,
This is the new section we are introducing at Hacking Truths. This section will keep you updated with the Hot Upcoming News of Tech industry in the past Week. I hope you like this section.
Mozilla Introduces Fennec Alpha For Android (2.0 Or Higher), Nokia N900 : Mozilla this morning introduced the Alpha release of the next version of its mobile browser Fennec for Android and Nokia N900.
iPod nano 6G Coming on September 1 – Rumor : A Chinese case vendor claims have gotten hold of fourth-generation iPod touch and sixth-generation iPod nano cases, posting images of the parts in question.
Gmail Bug Turned Some Users into Spammers : Tech This week, a Gmail bug caused duplicate messages to be sent from some user accounts. In certain cases, the same messages were sent over and over for several days, which, as you can imagine, must have been extremely annoying.
Paul Allen sues Apple, Google over patents : Four patents held by a research organization the Microsoft co-founder ran are at the heart of lawsuits against 10 prominent companies, including Yahoo, eBay, and Staples.
Make Free Call to Phones from Gmail : Gmail voice and video chat makes it easy to stay in touch with friends and family using your computer’s microphone and speakers. But until now, this required both people to be at their computers, signed into Gmail at the same time. Given that most of us don’t spend all day in front of our computers, we thought, “wouldn’t it be nice if you could call people directly on their phones?”
Apple Releases Security update 2010-005 for OS X 10.5 and 10.6 : Apple has released a security update for OS X 10.6 and OS X 10.5 machines, which addresses a number of security holes for both the client and server versions of OS X. For both the client and server versions, the update fixes several problems that could lead to arbitrary code execution.
Watch Full Movies on YouTube for Free : YouTube has introduced new free movies service after successfully striking a deal with US-based Studios like Lionsgate, MGM and Sony Pictures as well as Blinkbox in the UK. A catalog of full length 400 movies that include both Hollywood and Bollywood flicks is available at http://www.youtube.com/movies.
Facebook Alternative Diaspora Launches September 15 : Diaspora, the much-hyped open source alternative to Facebook, will release its code to the world on September 15, but promises that its creators are just getting started.
Intel to buy McAfee for $7.68 billion : Intel plans to buy security company McAfee for $7.68 billion–the biggest acquisition in its 42-year history. The chipmaker said Thursday it has entered into a definitive agreement to buy all of McAfee’s common stock at $48 per share in cash.
Facebook Chat to Drop IE6 Support : If you are still using Internet Explorer 6.0, Facebook has a new incentive for you to move onward and upward: Facebook Chat.
This is the new section we are introducing at Hacking Truths. This section will keep you updated with the Hot Upcoming News of Tech industry in the past Week. I hope you like this section.
Mozilla Introduces Fennec Alpha For Android (2.0 Or Higher), Nokia N900 : Mozilla this morning introduced the Alpha release of the next version of its mobile browser Fennec for Android and Nokia N900.
iPod nano 6G Coming on September 1 – Rumor : A Chinese case vendor claims have gotten hold of fourth-generation iPod touch and sixth-generation iPod nano cases, posting images of the parts in question.
Gmail Bug Turned Some Users into Spammers : Tech This week, a Gmail bug caused duplicate messages to be sent from some user accounts. In certain cases, the same messages were sent over and over for several days, which, as you can imagine, must have been extremely annoying.
Paul Allen sues Apple, Google over patents : Four patents held by a research organization the Microsoft co-founder ran are at the heart of lawsuits against 10 prominent companies, including Yahoo, eBay, and Staples.
Make Free Call to Phones from Gmail : Gmail voice and video chat makes it easy to stay in touch with friends and family using your computer’s microphone and speakers. But until now, this required both people to be at their computers, signed into Gmail at the same time. Given that most of us don’t spend all day in front of our computers, we thought, “wouldn’t it be nice if you could call people directly on their phones?”
Apple Releases Security update 2010-005 for OS X 10.5 and 10.6 : Apple has released a security update for OS X 10.6 and OS X 10.5 machines, which addresses a number of security holes for both the client and server versions of OS X. For both the client and server versions, the update fixes several problems that could lead to arbitrary code execution.
Watch Full Movies on YouTube for Free : YouTube has introduced new free movies service after successfully striking a deal with US-based Studios like Lionsgate, MGM and Sony Pictures as well as Blinkbox in the UK. A catalog of full length 400 movies that include both Hollywood and Bollywood flicks is available at http://www.youtube.com/movies.
Facebook Alternative Diaspora Launches September 15 : Diaspora, the much-hyped open source alternative to Facebook, will release its code to the world on September 15, but promises that its creators are just getting started.
Intel to buy McAfee for $7.68 billion : Intel plans to buy security company McAfee for $7.68 billion–the biggest acquisition in its 42-year history. The chipmaker said Thursday it has entered into a definitive agreement to buy all of McAfee’s common stock at $48 per share in cash.
Facebook Chat to Drop IE6 Support : If you are still using Internet Explorer 6.0, Facebook has a new incentive for you to move onward and upward: Facebook Chat.
Latest Free Reliance GPRS Hack [2010]
Hello friends,
After a long period I have come back with very interesting article. Today I will show you how you can surf free GPRS on Reliance enabled mobile phones. This hack was very popular 2-3 years back but it had stopped working. But few days back when I tried to use this hack, to my amazement, I found that this hack was working with a few modifications.
Follow the steps given below:
Activate Reliance GPRS.
Download modded UCWeb version 6.7 (Please note that this hack will work only on modded UCWeb version 6.7).
Apply following settings in your Mobile phone GPRS Settings.
Name : RelianceMBWorld
Proxy Address :
Port Address : 8080
Homepage : wap.google.com
dUsername : blank
Password : blank
Data Bearer : Packet Data
Now Start your modded UCWeb 6.7. Since you will starting it for the first time it will ask you following setting:
Front Query : blank
Middle Query : blank
Back Query : ?id=jCustomerWAPProv/
Uncheck the Checkbox named Remove Port from URL
Host : HandlerHost
Press OK.
Done!! Enjoy Free GPRS Surfing
This hack has been tested in Maharashtra on Nokia 3110 c, 5610 and N73 and we found it to be working. Please share your experience in the comment section.
After a long period I have come back with very interesting article. Today I will show you how you can surf free GPRS on Reliance enabled mobile phones. This hack was very popular 2-3 years back but it had stopped working. But few days back when I tried to use this hack, to my amazement, I found that this hack was working with a few modifications.
Follow the steps given below:
Activate Reliance GPRS.
Download modded UCWeb version 6.7 (Please note that this hack will work only on modded UCWeb version 6.7).
Apply following settings in your Mobile phone GPRS Settings.
Name : RelianceMBWorld
Proxy Address :
Port Address : 8080
Homepage : wap.google.com
dUsername : blank
Password : blank
Data Bearer : Packet Data
Now Start your modded UCWeb 6.7. Since you will starting it for the first time it will ask you following setting:
Front Query : blank
Middle Query : blank
Back Query : ?id=jCustomerWAPProv/
Uncheck the Checkbox named Remove Port from URL
Host : HandlerHost
Press OK.
Done!! Enjoy Free GPRS Surfing
This hack has been tested in Maharashtra on Nokia 3110 c, 5610 and N73 and we found it to be working. Please share your experience in the comment section.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
What is DHCP? How we configure DHCP
DHCP is a stand for dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.
by using this protocol we can assign ip address on client machines.
Install DHCP on your system(server)
then follow the following steps
go to START then
DHCP (by default it's in down state)
select sys 1
right click on system 1
type name: IT (any)
then type NETWORK ID
START IP : (Type starting ip)
END IP : (type end ip address)
then type subnet mask for IP address :
click on next
EXPIRY DATE by default it's 8 days u can extended it to unlimited)
then sect yes
config this option
parent doamain name:nalb.com(type ur damain name.)
host name:sys 1
Automatic resolve IP address
click on next
WINS add :sys 1
then click on: Yes i want to activate scope
then check for DHCP
still it's down
thew click on sys1
the refresh
now it's working
by using this protocol we can assign ip address on client machines.
Install DHCP on your system(server)
then follow the following steps
go to START then
DHCP (by default it's in down state)
select sys 1
right click on system 1
type name: IT (any)
then type NETWORK ID
START IP : (Type starting ip)
END IP : (type end ip address)
then type subnet mask for IP address :
click on next
EXPIRY DATE by default it's 8 days u can extended it to unlimited)
then sect yes
config this option
parent doamain name:nalb.com(type ur damain name.)
host name:sys 1
Automatic resolve IP address
click on next
WINS add :sys 1
then click on: Yes i want to activate scope
then check for DHCP
still it's down
thew click on sys1
the refresh
now it's working
HW VSP3 - Virtual Serial Port HW VSP is a software driver that adds a virtual serial port (e.g. COM5) to the operating system and redirects the data
Description of HW VSP3
HW Virtual Serial Driver is intended primarily for devices produced by HW group, although it can be used for free as a universal driver that creates a virtual remote serial port, which redirects data to a predefined TCP/IP address and port.
In special applications (e.g. involving GPRS devices), the PC with the HW VSP driver can be set to operate in TCP Server mode, enabling the remote device to initialize the connection by sending any data to the remote port. Upon receiving RS-232 data, the converter establishes a connection with the PC and passes the data to the virtual COM port. Therefore, the scenario very closely resembles behavior of a real serial port.
When using HW VSP together with recommended devices produced by HW group, it is possible to change connection speed, parity, and other communication parameters (as well as to control any digital outputs and inputs) remotely on the fly via the RFC-2217 protocol, thus achieving a true remote serial port behavior.
Running as a NT service / in client-server mode
Ability to run as a service has been the main reason for developing the new version. Running HW VSP as a standalone application requires starting it under a logged-in user and therefore prevents autonomous operation on Windows servers. (At this time, HW VSP fully supports Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003 Server. Support for Windows 2008 Server is being tested.) In this mode, HW VSP consists of a client-side part (setup GUI) and a server-side part (the service itself). Parameters of a VSP running on a remote server can be easily changed from a local PC. However, in order to improve stability, only one user may access the service and change virtual port parameters at a time. Furthermore, since service administration requires administrator privileges, securing a VSP against misuse is as simple as not installing the client-side part.
Note: From the user point of view, using HW VSP in service mode has many advantages. However, on Windows XP SP2/Vista/2003 Server, it is necessary to manually configure the firewall to enable the appropriate communication ports or the entire application (by default Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3s\HW_VSP3s_srv.exe for the single-port version and Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3\HW_VSP3_srv.exe for the multi-port one). Firewall dialog control is currently under development.
Baudrate emulation
In the previous version, HW VSP was fully transparent to the client software and did not restrict the communication flow in any way. Hence, the client SW had to send the data to the serial port using a defined communication speed, or use flow control (handshake). Otherwise, data were sent to the Ethernet / Internet with the maximum speed possible, often in the 10 Mbps range. When the buffers in VSP filled up, data started to be thrown away. Now, it is possible to enable the Strict Baudrate Emulation option in the Settings tab to ensure that VSP communicates with the client SW using the speed that is currently selected for the port.
Note: The Strict Baudrate Emulation option is only available when connected to HW group devices and with NVT support enabled.
Purging transmit and receive buffers
The option allows to clear Ethernet receive and transmit buffers when the port is opened. This ensures that the client application does not receive any previously received data (e.g. sent in a previous session) that could cause problems.
Automatic connection to previously opened port
This function allows connecting VSP to the port previously created and opened by the client application. This function is useful for servers, where it eliminates the need to close the corresponding virtual port before restarting server or the VSP service.
Configuration stored in an INI file
With the introduction of the multi-port version, VSP configuration is now stored in an INI file instead of the system registry. Therefore, configuration can be easily backed up or restored to another PC or server simply by copying the file and restarting the service. The INI file contains a complete VSP configuration, enabling the user to create a custom graphical interface to generate the INI file. Upon restarting the service, the INI file is loaded and the port parameters are changed - no need to study the complexities of controlling services. WC VSP for WirelesCOM is an example of such a customized application.
Works with Windows Vista
HW VSP 3 now fully supports the 32-bit version of Windows Vista. UAC (user switching) support is also fully functional now, including functionality in a domain. When HW VSP is run as a service, all users can control it.
Installing HW VSP3
HW VSP 3 is freeware; you can download it free of charge HERE. The software is available in a single-port and multi-port version (development is in the final stage now). Installation is straightforward, except for Windows Vista, where it is necessary to allow the installer to elevate its privileges.
Installation procedure:
* Run the “HW VSP Setup 3.0.23 single.exe” installation program.
* Step 1: The welcome screen is displayed. Click “Next” to proceed to the next step of the installation, or click “Back” to return to the previous step.
* Step 2: The basic product information is displayed.
* Step 3: Select the location where to install the driver.
* Select installation type – Client-Server / Standalone or Custom.
* Step 4: Choose a name for the folder to create in the Start menu.
* Step 5: Select whether you want to create a shortcut on the Desktop.
* Step 6: The entered data are displayed for verification.
* Step 7: Confirm the installation.
* Step 8: HW VSP will prompt you to agree with adding HW VSP to the list of exceptions for Windows Firewall. Permission is necessary for correct operation. If you deny the permission, you will have to add the application and the service to the list of exceptions manually.
If the installation is successful, the following window appears. If you check the “Launch HW_VSP” box, the program is started after completing the installation. It is not necessary to restart the computer after the installation. You can start HW VSP by clicking the “VSP” icon (icon with a red arrow).
Note: When installing HW VSP in Client/Server mode or using it in the Server mode on Windows XP SP2/Vista/2003 Server, it is necessary to manually configure the firewall to enable the appropriate communication ports or the entire service (by default Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3s\HW_VSP3s_srv.exe for the single-port version and Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3\HW_VSP3_srv.exe for the multi-port version). Firewall dialog control is currently under development.
Configuring the connected device
Before connecting to the VSP, it is necessary to configure the remote device according to its manual. If you use one of our devices, make sure to check the following parameters.
Most important parameters:
* IP address of the remote device
* IP port
* Gateway
* Mask
* TCP/IP mode - TCP Server / Passive mode
* Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) - On (only for recommended HWg devices)
* Serial port parameters
All configuration settings in HW VSP3 are password-protected. To enter the password, press the Login button. The default password is "admin". You can change your password with the HW_VSP3s_passwd.exe application that is available at Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3s\.
UDP Search
Run HW VSP and switch to “UDP Search” tab. After clicking Search modules, the Modules MAC List displays a list of devices found in the local network segment.
Click Use this IP to set the IP address and the incoming port number of the selected device as the current device address for HW VSP to work with.
Virtual Serial Port
The main tab displays basic information about establishing the connection and its progress. Here you can create or delete a virtual serial port using the “Create COM” and “Delete COM” buttons respectively.
Click “Show Log” to display the program log that can simplify troubleshooting.
* VSP pane
List of serial port settings.
* LAN pane
Displays Ethernet connection status.
* Counters pane
Volume of the data transferred and requests queued.
* IP Address
IP address of the remote serial port. The value can be taken automatically from the UDP tab.
* Port
Incoming port of the remote serial port device. Your PC opens the TCP/IP connection and sends data to this port.
* Port Name
Number of the Virtual Serial Port being created – select a port number from COM2 to COM20.
* External NVT Commands Port
HW VSP opens the specified TCP port on your PC, where it receives NVT control commands for controlling I/O pins and passes them over the connection to the remote device.
For example, a proprietary utility processes barcode data and your program (e.g. the HWg SDK example) controls I/O pins through VSP and the specified port – see the Block diagram.
If you need to create more virtual serial ports on a single PC, you can use the multi-port version of HW VSP.
The “Settings” tab allows you to set up all functions supported by the virtual serial port.
Caution: These settings apply to the HW VSP utility only. They do NOT influence the remote device. Remote device properties are set according to its manual (e.g. via the Hercules utility in case of HW group products).
* Log files enabled
Logs all communication to a .log file.
* Create VSP Port at HW VSP startup
If this box is checked, all virtual ports are recreated when HW VSP is started.
* TCP Server Mode
Activates VSP as a TCP/IP server. The driver then behaves as a TCP Client/Server device - this means that the first party to receive any data switches over to Client mode and establishes the connection. In the TCP server mode, IP address is automatically preset to and TCP port is set to current COM port number + 3000 (e.g. COM3 = TCP port 3003). The port can be changed. Pay attention to the firewall settings!
* Purge Buffers when Port is Opened
Clears transmit and receive buffers upon opening the port. This ensures that no leftover data from a previous session are sent or received. However, this also deletes any data received before the port is opened (e.g. during PC startup).
* Connect to device even if VSP Port is closed
If this box is checked, the connection is established immediately after the virtual port is created, even if no application is using the port. As a result, data sent when the port was open but unused will be lost. The device sends data even if you don’t “listen” for them.
* Use NOP to Keep Connection
+ Renew automatically
Expects a testing NOP to check for module presence. If a module was unreachable and is rediscovered (starts to respond again), the connection is reestablished either immediately (“Renew automatically” checked), or as soon as VSP sends new data to the TCP socket (“Renew automatically” unchecked).
Click “NVT Enable” to enable RFC2217 support and detection of our remote ports. Remember to activate NVT support on the corresponding device as well. After activating NVT commands, it is possible to activate the following parameters in the same way:
o Remote port setup – sends control information to the remote port according to VSP settings on your PC. If your terminal software (e.g. Hyperterminal) changes the baudrate to 19200Bd and this feature is active, the VSP driver sends a NVT command (according to the RFC2217 standard) to the remote TCP/IP serial port and changes its baudrate, too.
o Keep Connection – your TCP device closes an open TCP/IP connection after 50 seconds of inactivity. This function lets you keep the connection open (transfers 2 bytes every 5 seconds).
* Strict Baudrate Emulation
Limits the application-to-VSP and TCP-to-VSP transfer rate according to the baudrate of the open serial port.
* Save Settings to INI file
Saves current configuration in the INI file.
* Connection to Service
Allows you to specify whether the GUI connects to the service running on the same PC, or change IP ports for the communication.
o Local Machine – it is possible to change the port number for the GUI to service communication, e.g. in case of conflicts.
o Remote Machine – Allows the client software to connect to a remote service, e.g. in situations where Remote Desktop is not available or suitable.
* Reconnect
Reestablishes the connection of the client interface to the running service, e.g. when the connection is lost, or establishes the connection of the local client portion to a remote service that runs for instance on a server.
* Report VSP Setting
Displays current configuration of the remote device (if TCP Setup is enabled on the device using the standard port 99).
* Show Log
Displays a logfile of VSP3 activity.
License – Distribution and Usage Conditions
Even though a license fee is not paid for the use of the Freeware Version software, it does not mean that there are no conditions for using such software:
The Licensee will not have any proprietary rights to the Software. The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Licensor retains all copyrights and other proprietary rights in and to the Software.
The Licensee must reproduce all copyright notices and any other proprietary legends on any copy of the Software.
The Licensee may not disassemble, reverse-engineer, modify or alter in any way the installer program without the Licensor’s specific approval. The Licensee is not authorized to use any plug-in or enhancement that permits to save modifications to a file with the Software licensed and distributed by the Licensor.
4. The Software under this License may contain the components developed by third-parties. The structure, organization and code of such components are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of the third-party and are protected by copyright and third-party license agreement. The Licensee may not:
* 4.1 incorporate such third-party components into software and hardware, developed by the Licensee, without the third-party’s special permission;
* 4.2 provide such third-party components to accompany software and hardware, sold by the Licensee, without the third-party’s special permission.
5. Private & Commercial license of HW VSP
* 5.1 Private use license
There are no restrictions to use and distribution of this software by private individuals; however, we kindly ask that you add a link to your website (or blog) that points to our website, www.HW-group.com, preferably in the form shown below.
* 5.2 Commercial license
Organizations and other legal entities may use and distribute this software only if they display a link to the http://www.HW-group.com named as “Using HW VSP powered by HW group” on the website on the company or if they receive authorisation from HW group in written form.
If you distribute the software without publishing the link as described, you violate our copyright and we may take legal action against you.
Suggested link appearance
Source code for your WWW pages
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com. HW VSP
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com.
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com.
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com.

HW VSP - Produced by www.HW-group.com. HW VSP - Produced by www.HW-group.com.
Note: You may save the icon image locally where your web is hosted; however, we prefer linking to the image at the HW group website, as the example code shows.
FAQ & Support
Q: Is it possible to use HW VSP to interconnect 2 serial ports on 2 different PCs over the Ethernet?
A: No. HW VSP only talks to a physical unit – PortBox, IP Relay, etc. Although it is possible to connect two HW VSPs (TCP Client and TCP Server), it is not possible to forward the data to a physical COM port of the PC.
HW Virtual Serial Driver is intended primarily for devices produced by HW group, although it can be used for free as a universal driver that creates a virtual remote serial port, which redirects data to a predefined TCP/IP address and port.
In special applications (e.g. involving GPRS devices), the PC with the HW VSP driver can be set to operate in TCP Server mode, enabling the remote device to initialize the connection by sending any data to the remote port. Upon receiving RS-232 data, the converter establishes a connection with the PC and passes the data to the virtual COM port. Therefore, the scenario very closely resembles behavior of a real serial port.
When using HW VSP together with recommended devices produced by HW group, it is possible to change connection speed, parity, and other communication parameters (as well as to control any digital outputs and inputs) remotely on the fly via the RFC-2217 protocol, thus achieving a true remote serial port behavior.
Running as a NT service / in client-server mode
Ability to run as a service has been the main reason for developing the new version. Running HW VSP as a standalone application requires starting it under a logged-in user and therefore prevents autonomous operation on Windows servers. (At this time, HW VSP fully supports Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2003 Server. Support for Windows 2008 Server is being tested.) In this mode, HW VSP consists of a client-side part (setup GUI) and a server-side part (the service itself). Parameters of a VSP running on a remote server can be easily changed from a local PC. However, in order to improve stability, only one user may access the service and change virtual port parameters at a time. Furthermore, since service administration requires administrator privileges, securing a VSP against misuse is as simple as not installing the client-side part.
Note: From the user point of view, using HW VSP in service mode has many advantages. However, on Windows XP SP2/Vista/2003 Server, it is necessary to manually configure the firewall to enable the appropriate communication ports or the entire application (by default Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3s\HW_VSP3s_srv.exe for the single-port version and Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3\HW_VSP3_srv.exe for the multi-port one). Firewall dialog control is currently under development.
Baudrate emulation
In the previous version, HW VSP was fully transparent to the client software and did not restrict the communication flow in any way. Hence, the client SW had to send the data to the serial port using a defined communication speed, or use flow control (handshake). Otherwise, data were sent to the Ethernet / Internet with the maximum speed possible, often in the 10 Mbps range. When the buffers in VSP filled up, data started to be thrown away. Now, it is possible to enable the Strict Baudrate Emulation option in the Settings tab to ensure that VSP communicates with the client SW using the speed that is currently selected for the port.
Note: The Strict Baudrate Emulation option is only available when connected to HW group devices and with NVT support enabled.
Purging transmit and receive buffers
The option allows to clear Ethernet receive and transmit buffers when the port is opened. This ensures that the client application does not receive any previously received data (e.g. sent in a previous session) that could cause problems.
Automatic connection to previously opened port
This function allows connecting VSP to the port previously created and opened by the client application. This function is useful for servers, where it eliminates the need to close the corresponding virtual port before restarting server or the VSP service.
Configuration stored in an INI file
With the introduction of the multi-port version, VSP configuration is now stored in an INI file instead of the system registry. Therefore, configuration can be easily backed up or restored to another PC or server simply by copying the file and restarting the service. The INI file contains a complete VSP configuration, enabling the user to create a custom graphical interface to generate the INI file. Upon restarting the service, the INI file is loaded and the port parameters are changed - no need to study the complexities of controlling services. WC VSP for WirelesCOM is an example of such a customized application.
Works with Windows Vista
HW VSP 3 now fully supports the 32-bit version of Windows Vista. UAC (user switching) support is also fully functional now, including functionality in a domain. When HW VSP is run as a service, all users can control it.
Installing HW VSP3
HW VSP 3 is freeware; you can download it free of charge HERE. The software is available in a single-port and multi-port version (development is in the final stage now). Installation is straightforward, except for Windows Vista, where it is necessary to allow the installer to elevate its privileges.
Installation procedure:
* Run the “HW VSP Setup 3.0.23 single.exe” installation program.
* Step 1: The welcome screen is displayed. Click “Next” to proceed to the next step of the installation, or click “Back” to return to the previous step.
* Step 2: The basic product information is displayed.
* Step 3: Select the location where to install the driver.
* Select installation type – Client-Server / Standalone or Custom.
* Step 4: Choose a name for the folder to create in the Start menu.
* Step 5: Select whether you want to create a shortcut on the Desktop.
* Step 6: The entered data are displayed for verification.
* Step 7: Confirm the installation.
* Step 8: HW VSP will prompt you to agree with adding HW VSP to the list of exceptions for Windows Firewall. Permission is necessary for correct operation. If you deny the permission, you will have to add the application and the service to the list of exceptions manually.
If the installation is successful, the following window appears. If you check the “Launch HW_VSP” box, the program is started after completing the installation. It is not necessary to restart the computer after the installation. You can start HW VSP by clicking the “VSP” icon (icon with a red arrow).
Note: When installing HW VSP in Client/Server mode or using it in the Server mode on Windows XP SP2/Vista/2003 Server, it is necessary to manually configure the firewall to enable the appropriate communication ports or the entire service (by default Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3s\HW_VSP3s_srv.exe for the single-port version and Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3\HW_VSP3_srv.exe for the multi-port version). Firewall dialog control is currently under development.
Configuring the connected device
Before connecting to the VSP, it is necessary to configure the remote device according to its manual. If you use one of our devices, make sure to check the following parameters.
Most important parameters:
* IP address of the remote device
* IP port
* Gateway
* Mask
* TCP/IP mode - TCP Server / Passive mode
* Network Virtual Terminal (NVT) - On (only for recommended HWg devices)
* Serial port parameters
All configuration settings in HW VSP3 are password-protected. To enter the password, press the Login button. The default password is "admin". You can change your password with the HW_VSP3s_passwd.exe application that is available at Program Files\HW group\HW VSP3s\.
UDP Search
Run HW VSP and switch to “UDP Search” tab. After clicking Search modules, the Modules MAC List displays a list of devices found in the local network segment.
Click Use this IP to set the IP address and the incoming port number of the selected device as the current device address for HW VSP to work with.
Virtual Serial Port
The main tab displays basic information about establishing the connection and its progress. Here you can create or delete a virtual serial port using the “Create COM” and “Delete COM” buttons respectively.
Click “Show Log” to display the program log that can simplify troubleshooting.
* VSP pane
List of serial port settings.
* LAN pane
Displays Ethernet connection status.
* Counters pane
Volume of the data transferred and requests queued.
* IP Address
IP address of the remote serial port. The value can be taken automatically from the UDP tab.
* Port
Incoming port of the remote serial port device. Your PC opens the TCP/IP connection and sends data to this port.
* Port Name
Number of the Virtual Serial Port being created – select a port number from COM2 to COM20.
* External NVT Commands Port
HW VSP opens the specified TCP port on your PC, where it receives NVT control commands for controlling I/O pins and passes them over the connection to the remote device.
For example, a proprietary utility processes barcode data and your program (e.g. the HWg SDK example) controls I/O pins through VSP and the specified port – see the Block diagram.
If you need to create more virtual serial ports on a single PC, you can use the multi-port version of HW VSP.
The “Settings” tab allows you to set up all functions supported by the virtual serial port.
Caution: These settings apply to the HW VSP utility only. They do NOT influence the remote device. Remote device properties are set according to its manual (e.g. via the Hercules utility in case of HW group products).
* Log files enabled
Logs all communication to a .log file.
* Create VSP Port at HW VSP startup
If this box is checked, all virtual ports are recreated when HW VSP is started.
* TCP Server Mode
Activates VSP as a TCP/IP server. The driver then behaves as a TCP Client/Server device - this means that the first party to receive any data switches over to Client mode and establishes the connection. In the TCP server mode, IP address is automatically preset to and TCP port is set to current COM port number + 3000 (e.g. COM3 = TCP port 3003). The port can be changed. Pay attention to the firewall settings!
* Purge Buffers when Port is Opened
Clears transmit and receive buffers upon opening the port. This ensures that no leftover data from a previous session are sent or received. However, this also deletes any data received before the port is opened (e.g. during PC startup).
* Connect to device even if VSP Port is closed
If this box is checked, the connection is established immediately after the virtual port is created, even if no application is using the port. As a result, data sent when the port was open but unused will be lost. The device sends data even if you don’t “listen” for them.
* Use NOP to Keep Connection
+ Renew automatically
Expects a testing NOP to check for module presence. If a module was unreachable and is rediscovered (starts to respond again), the connection is reestablished either immediately (“Renew automatically” checked), or as soon as VSP sends new data to the TCP socket (“Renew automatically” unchecked).
Click “NVT Enable” to enable RFC2217 support and detection of our remote ports. Remember to activate NVT support on the corresponding device as well. After activating NVT commands, it is possible to activate the following parameters in the same way:
o Remote port setup – sends control information to the remote port according to VSP settings on your PC. If your terminal software (e.g. Hyperterminal) changes the baudrate to 19200Bd and this feature is active, the VSP driver sends a NVT command (according to the RFC2217 standard) to the remote TCP/IP serial port and changes its baudrate, too.
o Keep Connection – your TCP device closes an open TCP/IP connection after 50 seconds of inactivity. This function lets you keep the connection open (transfers 2 bytes every 5 seconds).
* Strict Baudrate Emulation
Limits the application-to-VSP and TCP-to-VSP transfer rate according to the baudrate of the open serial port.
* Save Settings to INI file
Saves current configuration in the INI file.
* Connection to Service
Allows you to specify whether the GUI connects to the service running on the same PC, or change IP ports for the communication.
o Local Machine – it is possible to change the port number for the GUI to service communication, e.g. in case of conflicts.
o Remote Machine – Allows the client software to connect to a remote service, e.g. in situations where Remote Desktop is not available or suitable.
* Reconnect
Reestablishes the connection of the client interface to the running service, e.g. when the connection is lost, or establishes the connection of the local client portion to a remote service that runs for instance on a server.
* Report VSP Setting
Displays current configuration of the remote device (if TCP Setup is enabled on the device using the standard port 99).
* Show Log
Displays a logfile of VSP3 activity.
License – Distribution and Usage Conditions
Even though a license fee is not paid for the use of the Freeware Version software, it does not mean that there are no conditions for using such software:
The Licensee will not have any proprietary rights to the Software. The Licensee acknowledges and agrees that the Licensor retains all copyrights and other proprietary rights in and to the Software.
The Licensee must reproduce all copyright notices and any other proprietary legends on any copy of the Software.
The Licensee may not disassemble, reverse-engineer, modify or alter in any way the installer program without the Licensor’s specific approval. The Licensee is not authorized to use any plug-in or enhancement that permits to save modifications to a file with the Software licensed and distributed by the Licensor.
4. The Software under this License may contain the components developed by third-parties. The structure, organization and code of such components are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of the third-party and are protected by copyright and third-party license agreement. The Licensee may not:
* 4.1 incorporate such third-party components into software and hardware, developed by the Licensee, without the third-party’s special permission;
* 4.2 provide such third-party components to accompany software and hardware, sold by the Licensee, without the third-party’s special permission.
5. Private & Commercial license of HW VSP
* 5.1 Private use license
There are no restrictions to use and distribution of this software by private individuals; however, we kindly ask that you add a link to your website (or blog) that points to our website, www.HW-group.com, preferably in the form shown below.
* 5.2 Commercial license
Organizations and other legal entities may use and distribute this software only if they display a link to the http://www.HW-group.com named as “Using HW VSP powered by HW group” on the website on the company or if they receive authorisation from HW group in written form.
If you distribute the software without publishing the link as described, you violate our copyright and we may take legal action against you.
Suggested link appearance
Source code for your WWW pages
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com. HW VSP
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com.
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com.
Free Virtual Serial Port to connect any TCP/IP Terminal server to your Windows as a virtual serial port (e.g. COM 7). Produced by www.HW-group.com.
HW VSP - Produced by www.HW-group.com. HW VSP - Produced by www.HW-group.com.
Note: You may save the icon image locally where your web is hosted; however, we prefer linking to the image at the HW group website, as the example code shows.
FAQ & Support
Q: Is it possible to use HW VSP to interconnect 2 serial ports on 2 different PCs over the Ethernet?
A: No. HW VSP only talks to a physical unit – PortBox, IP Relay, etc. Although it is possible to connect two HW VSPs (TCP Client and TCP Server), it is not possible to forward the data to a physical COM port of the PC.
Friday, April 30, 2010
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope that are linked by a broad array of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast array of information resources and services, most notably the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Internet (अंतरजाल)
1969 इंटरनेट अमेरिकी रक्षा विभाग के द्वारा UCLA के तथा स्टैनफोर्ड अनुसंधान संस्थान कंप्यूटर्स का नेटवर्किंग करके इंटरनेट की संरचना की गई।
1979' ब्रिटिश डाकघर पहला अंतरराष्ट्रीय कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क बना कर नये प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग करना आरम्भ किया।
1980 बिल गेट्स का आईबीएम के कंप्यूटर्स पर एक माइक्रोसॉफ्ट ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम लगाने के लिए सौदा हुआ।
1984 एप्पल ने पहली बार फ़ाइलों और फ़ोल्डरों, ड्रॉप डाउन मेनू, माउस, ग्राफिक्स का प्रयोग आदि से युक्त "आधुनिक सफल कम्प्यूटर" लांच किया।
1989 टिम बेर्नर ली ने इंटरनेट पर संचार को सरल बनाने के लिए ब्राउज़रों, पन्नों और लिंक का उपयोग कर के वर्ल्ड वाइड वेब बनाया।
1996 गूगल ने स्टैनफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय में एक अनुसंधान परियोजना शुरू किया जो कि दो साल बाद औपचारिक रूप से काम करने लगा।
2009 डॉ स्टीफन वोल्फरैम ने "वोल्फरैम अल्फा" लांच किया
1979' ब्रिटिश डाकघर पहला अंतरराष्ट्रीय कंप्यूटर नेटवर्क बना कर नये प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग करना आरम्भ किया।
1980 बिल गेट्स का आईबीएम के कंप्यूटर्स पर एक माइक्रोसॉफ्ट ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम लगाने के लिए सौदा हुआ।
1984 एप्पल ने पहली बार फ़ाइलों और फ़ोल्डरों, ड्रॉप डाउन मेनू, माउस, ग्राफिक्स का प्रयोग आदि से युक्त "आधुनिक सफल कम्प्यूटर" लांच किया।
1989 टिम बेर्नर ली ने इंटरनेट पर संचार को सरल बनाने के लिए ब्राउज़रों, पन्नों और लिंक का उपयोग कर के वर्ल्ड वाइड वेब बनाया।
1996 गूगल ने स्टैनफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय में एक अनुसंधान परियोजना शुरू किया जो कि दो साल बाद औपचारिक रूप से काम करने लगा।
2009 डॉ स्टीफन वोल्फरैम ने "वोल्फरैम अल्फा" लांच किया
Saturday, March 6, 2010
This chapter provides information and commands concerning the following topics:
Configuring a Router
This chapter provides information and commands concerning the following topics:
• Configuring a router, specifically:
— Names
— Passwords
— Interfaces
— MOTD banners
— IP host tables
— Saving and erasing your configurations
• show commands to verify the router configurations
Router Modes
TIP: There are other modes than these. Not all commands work in all
modes. Be careful. If you type in a command that you know is correct—show
run, for example—and you get an error, make sure that you are in the correct
Router> User mode
Router# Privileged mode
Router(config)# Global configuration mode
Router(config-if)# Interface mode
Router(config-subif)# Subinterface mode
Router(config-line)# Line mode
Router(config-router)# Router configuration mode
18 Configuring Passwords
Global Configuration Mode
Configuring a Router Name
This command works on both routers and switches.
Configuring Passwords
Works on both routers and switches.
Router> Can see config, but not change
Router# Can see config and move to make
Router#config t
Moves to global config mode
This prompt indicates that you can
start making changes
Router(config)#hostname Cisco Name can be any word you choose
Router(config)#enable password cisco Sets enable password
Router(config)#enable secret class Sets enable secret password
Router(config)#line con 0 Enters console-line mode
Router(config-line)#password console Sets console-line mode password to
Router(config-line)#login Enables password checking at login
Router(config)#line vty 0 4 Enters vty line mode for all 5 vty
Router(config-line)#password telnet Sets vty password to telnet
Router(config-line)#login Enables password checking at login
show Commands 19
CAUTION: Enable secret password is encrypted by default. Enable password is
not. For this reason, recommended practice is that you never use the enable
password. Use only the enable secret password in a router configuration.
CAUTION: You cannot set both enable secret and enable password to the same
password. Doing so defeats the use of encryption.
Password Encryption
CAUTION: If you have turned on service password encryption, used it, and then
turned it off, any passwords that you have encrypted will stay encrypted. New
passwords will remain unencrypted
show Commands
Router(config)#line aux 0 Enters auxiliary line mode
Router(config-line)#password backdoor Sets auxiliary line mode password to
Router(config-line)#login Enables password checking at login
Router(config)#service passwordencryption
Applies a weak encryption to
Router(config)#enable password cisco Sets enable password to cisco
Router(config)#line con 0 …
Router(config-line)#password Cisco Continue setting passwords as above
Router(config)#no service passwordencryption
Turns off password encryption
Router#show ? Lists all show commands available
Router#show interfaces Displays statistics for all interfaces
Router#show interface serial 0 Displays statistics for a specific
interface, in this case Serial 0
Router#show ip interface brief Displays a summary of all
interfaces, including status and IP
address assigned
20 Interface Names
Interface Names
One of the biggest problems that new administrators face is the names of the interfaces on
the different models of routers. The following chart lists the names of the Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet, and Serial interfaces on the 2500, 1700, and 2600 series of routers.
Router#show controllers serial 0 Displays statistics for interface
hardware. Statistics display if the
clock rate is set and if the cable is
DCE, DTE, or not attached
Router#show clock Displays time set on device
Router#show hosts Displays local host-to-IP address
cache. These are the names and
addresses of hosts on the network to
which you can connect
Router#show users Displays all users connected to
Router#show history Displays history of commands used
Router#show flash Displays info about Flash memory
Router#show version Displays info about loaded
software version
Router#show arp Displays the ARP table
Router#show protocols Displays status of configured Layer
3 protocols
Router#show startup-config Displays configuration saved in
Router#show running-config Displays configuration currently
running in RAM
Fixed Interfaces (2500
Modular (Removable)
Interfaces (1700 Series)
Modular (Removable)
Interfaces (2600 Series)
erface type port
ace type port
type slot/port
serial0 (s0)
ace serial 0
Router(config)#int serial
0/0 (s0/0)
ethernet 0 (e0)
ace fastethernet 0
fastethernet 0/0 (fa0/0)
Configuring an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Interface 21
Moving Between Interfaces
What happens in Column 1 is the same thing as is occurring in Column 2.
Configuring a Serial Interface
TIP: The clock rate command is used only on a serial interface that has a DCE
cable plugged into it. There must be a clock rate set on every serial link between
routers. It does not matter which router has the DCE cable plugged into it, or which
interface the cable is plugged into. Serial 0 on one router can be plugged into
Serial 1 on another router.
Configuring an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Interface
Router(config)#int s0 Router(config)#int s0 Moves to interface S0
Router(config-if)#exit Router(config-if)#int e0 In int S0, move to E0
Router(config)#int e0 Router(config-if)# In E0 mode now
Router(config-if)# Prompt does not
change; be careful
Router(config)#int s0/0 Moves to interface Serial 0/0
Router(config-if)#description Link to ISP Optional descriptor of the link is
locally significant
Router(config-if)#ip address
Assigns address and subnet
mask to interface
Router(config-if)#clock rate 56000 Assigns a clock rate for the
Router(config-if)#no shut Turns interface on
Router(config)#int fa0/0 Moves to Fast Ethernet 0/0
interface mode
Router(config-if)#description Accounting LAN Optional descriptor of the
link is locally significant
22 Assigning a Local Host Name to an IP Address
Creating a MOTD Banner
Setting the Clock Time Zone
Assigning a Local Host Name to an IP Address
TIP: The default port number in the ip host command is 23, or Telnet. If you want
to Telnet to a device, just enter the IP host name itself:
Router#london = Router#telnet london = Router#telnet
Router(config-if)#ip address
Assigns address and subnet
mask to interface
Router(config-if)#no shut Turns interface on
Router(config)#banner motd # This is a
secure system. Authorized Personnel Only! #
# is known as a delimiting
character. The delimiting
character must surround the
banner message and can be
any character so long as it is
not a character used within
the body of the message
Router(config)#clock timezone EST –5 Sets the time zone for
display purposes. Based on
coordinated universal time
(Eastern Standard Time is 5
hours behind UTC)
Router(config)#ip host london Assigns a host name to the
IP address. After this
assignment, you can use the
host name instead of an IP
address when trying to
Telnet or ping to that
Router#ping london
exec-timeout Command 23
no ip domain-lookup Command
TIP: Ever type in a command incorrectly and left having to wait for a minute or
two as the router tries to translate your command to a domain server of The router is set by default to try to resolve any word that is not
a command to a DNS server at address If you are not going to set
up DNS, turn this feature off to save you time as you type, especially if you are a
poor typist.
logging synchronous Command
TIP: Ever try to type in a command and an informational line appears in the
middle of what you were typing? Lose your place? Do not know where you are in
the command, so you just press ® and start all over? The logging
synchronous command will tell the router that if any informational items get
displayed on the screen, your prompt and command line should be moved to a
new line, so as not to confuse you.
The informational line does not get inserted into the middle of the command you
are trying to type. If you were to continue typing, the command would execute
properly, even though it looks wrong on the screen
exec-timeout Command
Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup
Turns off trying to
automatically resolve an
unrecognized command to a
local host name
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#logging synchronous Turns on synchronous
logging. Information items
sent to console will not
interrupt the command you
are typing. The command
will be moved to a new line
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0 Sets time limit when console
automatically logs off. Set to
0 0 (minutes seconds) means
console never logs off
24 Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration
TIP: exec-timeout 0 0 is great for a lab because the console never logs out. This
is very dangerous in the real world (bad security).
Saving Configurations
Erasing Configurations
TIP: Running-config is still in dynamic memory. Reload the router to clear the
Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration
Figure 3-1 shows the network topology for the configuration that follows, which shows a
basic router configuration using the commands covered in this chapter.
Figure 3-1 Network Topology for Basic Router Configuration
Router#copy run start Saves the running-config to local NVRAM
Router#copy run tftp Saves the running-config remotely to TFTP server
Router#erase start Deletes the startup-config file from NVRAM
Boston Router
Router>en Enters privileged mode
Router#clock set 18:30:00 15 Nov 2004 Sets local time on router
Router#config t Enters global config mode
Network Network Network
fa0/0 fa0/0 s0/0
s0/1 Buffalo
Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration 25
Router(config)#hostname Boston Sets router name to Boston
Boston(config)#no ip domain-lookup Turns off name resolution on
unrecog-nized commands
(spelling mistakes)
Boston(config)#banner motd #
This is the Boston Router.
Authorized Access Only
Creates an MOTD banner
Boston(config)#clock timezone EST –5 Sets time zone to Eastern
Standard Time (–5 from UTC)
Boston(config)#enable secret cisco Enable secret password set to
Boston(config)#service password-encryption Passwords will be given weak
Boston(config)#line con 0 Enters line console mode
Boston(config-line)#logging sync Commands will not be
interrupted by unsolicited
Boston(config-line)#password class Sets password to class
Boston(config-line)#login Enables password checking at
Boston(config-line)#line vty 0 4 Moves to virtual Telnet lines 0
through 4
Boston(config-line)#password class Sets password to class
Boston(config-line)#login Enables password checking at
Boston(config-line)#line aux 0 Moves to line auxiliary mode
Boston(config-line)#password class Sets password to class
Boston(config-line)#login Enables password checking at
Boston(config-line)#exit Moves back to global config
26 Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration
Boston(config)#no service passwordencryption
Turns off password encryption
Boston(config)#int fa 0/0 Moves to Fast Ethernet 0/0
Boston(config-if)#desc Engineering LAN Sets locally significant
description of the interface
Boston(config-if)#ip address
Assigns IP address and subnet
mask to the interface
Boston(config-if)#no shut Turns on the interface
Boston(config-if)#int s0/0 Moves directly to Serial 0/0
Boston(config-if)#desc Link to Buffalo
Sets locally significant
description of the interface
Boston(config-if)#ip address
Assigns IP address and subnet
mask to the interface
Boston(config-if)#clock rate 56000 Sets a clock rate for serial
transmission (DCE cable must
be plugged into this interface)
Boston(config-if)#no shut Turns on the interface
Boston(config-if)#exit Moves back to global config
Boston(config)#ip host buffalo Sets a local host name
resolution to IP address
Boston(config)#exit Moves back to privileged
Boston#copy run start Saves running-config to
This chapter provides information and commands concerning the following topics:
• Configuring a router, specifically:
— Names
— Passwords
— Interfaces
— MOTD banners
— IP host tables
— Saving and erasing your configurations
• show commands to verify the router configurations
Router Modes
TIP: There are other modes than these. Not all commands work in all
modes. Be careful. If you type in a command that you know is correct—show
run, for example—and you get an error, make sure that you are in the correct
Router> User mode
Router# Privileged mode
Router(config)# Global configuration mode
Router(config-if)# Interface mode
Router(config-subif)# Subinterface mode
Router(config-line)# Line mode
Router(config-router)# Router configuration mode
18 Configuring Passwords
Global Configuration Mode
Configuring a Router Name
This command works on both routers and switches.
Configuring Passwords
Works on both routers and switches.
Router> Can see config, but not change
Router# Can see config and move to make
Router#config t
Moves to global config mode
This prompt indicates that you can
start making changes
Router(config)#hostname Cisco Name can be any word you choose
Router(config)#enable password cisco Sets enable password
Router(config)#enable secret class Sets enable secret password
Router(config)#line con 0 Enters console-line mode
Router(config-line)#password console Sets console-line mode password to
Router(config-line)#login Enables password checking at login
Router(config)#line vty 0 4 Enters vty line mode for all 5 vty
Router(config-line)#password telnet Sets vty password to telnet
Router(config-line)#login Enables password checking at login
show Commands 19
CAUTION: Enable secret password is encrypted by default. Enable password is
not. For this reason, recommended practice is that you never use the enable
password. Use only the enable secret password in a router configuration.
CAUTION: You cannot set both enable secret and enable password to the same
password. Doing so defeats the use of encryption.
Password Encryption
CAUTION: If you have turned on service password encryption, used it, and then
turned it off, any passwords that you have encrypted will stay encrypted. New
passwords will remain unencrypted
show Commands
Router(config)#line aux 0 Enters auxiliary line mode
Router(config-line)#password backdoor Sets auxiliary line mode password to
Router(config-line)#login Enables password checking at login
Router(config)#service passwordencryption
Applies a weak encryption to
Router(config)#enable password cisco Sets enable password to cisco
Router(config)#line con 0 …
Router(config-line)#password Cisco Continue setting passwords as above
Router(config)#no service passwordencryption
Turns off password encryption
Router#show ? Lists all show commands available
Router#show interfaces Displays statistics for all interfaces
Router#show interface serial 0 Displays statistics for a specific
interface, in this case Serial 0
Router#show ip interface brief Displays a summary of all
interfaces, including status and IP
address assigned
20 Interface Names
Interface Names
One of the biggest problems that new administrators face is the names of the interfaces on
the different models of routers. The following chart lists the names of the Ethernet, Fast
Ethernet, and Serial interfaces on the 2500, 1700, and 2600 series of routers.
Router#show controllers serial 0 Displays statistics for interface
hardware. Statistics display if the
clock rate is set and if the cable is
DCE, DTE, or not attached
Router#show clock Displays time set on device
Router#show hosts Displays local host-to-IP address
cache. These are the names and
addresses of hosts on the network to
which you can connect
Router#show users Displays all users connected to
Router#show history Displays history of commands used
Router#show flash Displays info about Flash memory
Router#show version Displays info about loaded
software version
Router#show arp Displays the ARP table
Router#show protocols Displays status of configured Layer
3 protocols
Router#show startup-config Displays configuration saved in
Router#show running-config Displays configuration currently
running in RAM
Fixed Interfaces (2500
Modular (Removable)
Interfaces (1700 Series)
Modular (Removable)
Interfaces (2600 Series)
erface type port
ace type port
type slot/port
serial0 (s0)
ace serial 0
Router(config)#int serial
0/0 (s0/0)
ethernet 0 (e0)
ace fastethernet 0
fastethernet 0/0 (fa0/0)
Configuring an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Interface 21
Moving Between Interfaces
What happens in Column 1 is the same thing as is occurring in Column 2.
Configuring a Serial Interface
TIP: The clock rate command is used only on a serial interface that has a DCE
cable plugged into it. There must be a clock rate set on every serial link between
routers. It does not matter which router has the DCE cable plugged into it, or which
interface the cable is plugged into. Serial 0 on one router can be plugged into
Serial 1 on another router.
Configuring an Ethernet/Fast Ethernet Interface
Router(config)#int s0 Router(config)#int s0 Moves to interface S0
Router(config-if)#exit Router(config-if)#int e0 In int S0, move to E0
Router(config)#int e0 Router(config-if)# In E0 mode now
Router(config-if)# Prompt does not
change; be careful
Router(config)#int s0/0 Moves to interface Serial 0/0
Router(config-if)#description Link to ISP Optional descriptor of the link is
locally significant
Router(config-if)#ip address
Assigns address and subnet
mask to interface
Router(config-if)#clock rate 56000 Assigns a clock rate for the
Router(config-if)#no shut Turns interface on
Router(config)#int fa0/0 Moves to Fast Ethernet 0/0
interface mode
Router(config-if)#description Accounting LAN Optional descriptor of the
link is locally significant
22 Assigning a Local Host Name to an IP Address
Creating a MOTD Banner
Setting the Clock Time Zone
Assigning a Local Host Name to an IP Address
TIP: The default port number in the ip host command is 23, or Telnet. If you want
to Telnet to a device, just enter the IP host name itself:
Router#london = Router#telnet london = Router#telnet
Router(config-if)#ip address
Assigns address and subnet
mask to interface
Router(config-if)#no shut Turns interface on
Router(config)#banner motd # This is a
secure system. Authorized Personnel Only! #
# is known as a delimiting
character. The delimiting
character must surround the
banner message and can be
any character so long as it is
not a character used within
the body of the message
Router(config)#clock timezone EST –5 Sets the time zone for
display purposes. Based on
coordinated universal time
(Eastern Standard Time is 5
hours behind UTC)
Router(config)#ip host london Assigns a host name to the
IP address. After this
assignment, you can use the
host name instead of an IP
address when trying to
Telnet or ping to that
Router#ping london
exec-timeout Command 23
no ip domain-lookup Command
TIP: Ever type in a command incorrectly and left having to wait for a minute or
two as the router tries to translate your command to a domain server of The router is set by default to try to resolve any word that is not
a command to a DNS server at address If you are not going to set
up DNS, turn this feature off to save you time as you type, especially if you are a
poor typist.
logging synchronous Command
TIP: Ever try to type in a command and an informational line appears in the
middle of what you were typing? Lose your place? Do not know where you are in
the command, so you just press ® and start all over? The logging
synchronous command will tell the router that if any informational items get
displayed on the screen, your prompt and command line should be moved to a
new line, so as not to confuse you.
The informational line does not get inserted into the middle of the command you
are trying to type. If you were to continue typing, the command would execute
properly, even though it looks wrong on the screen
exec-timeout Command
Router(config)#no ip domain-lookup
Turns off trying to
automatically resolve an
unrecognized command to a
local host name
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#logging synchronous Turns on synchronous
logging. Information items
sent to console will not
interrupt the command you
are typing. The command
will be moved to a new line
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#exec-timeout 0 0 Sets time limit when console
automatically logs off. Set to
0 0 (minutes seconds) means
console never logs off
24 Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration
TIP: exec-timeout 0 0 is great for a lab because the console never logs out. This
is very dangerous in the real world (bad security).
Saving Configurations
Erasing Configurations
TIP: Running-config is still in dynamic memory. Reload the router to clear the
Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration
Figure 3-1 shows the network topology for the configuration that follows, which shows a
basic router configuration using the commands covered in this chapter.
Figure 3-1 Network Topology for Basic Router Configuration
Router#copy run start Saves the running-config to local NVRAM
Router#copy run tftp Saves the running-config remotely to TFTP server
Router#erase start Deletes the startup-config file from NVRAM
Boston Router
Router>en Enters privileged mode
Router#clock set 18:30:00 15 Nov 2004 Sets local time on router
Router#config t Enters global config mode
Network Network Network
fa0/0 fa0/0 s0/0
s0/1 Buffalo
Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration 25
Router(config)#hostname Boston Sets router name to Boston
Boston(config)#no ip domain-lookup Turns off name resolution on
unrecog-nized commands
(spelling mistakes)
Boston(config)#banner motd #
This is the Boston Router.
Authorized Access Only
Creates an MOTD banner
Boston(config)#clock timezone EST –5 Sets time zone to Eastern
Standard Time (–5 from UTC)
Boston(config)#enable secret cisco Enable secret password set to
Boston(config)#service password-encryption Passwords will be given weak
Boston(config)#line con 0 Enters line console mode
Boston(config-line)#logging sync Commands will not be
interrupted by unsolicited
Boston(config-line)#password class Sets password to class
Boston(config-line)#login Enables password checking at
Boston(config-line)#line vty 0 4 Moves to virtual Telnet lines 0
through 4
Boston(config-line)#password class Sets password to class
Boston(config-line)#login Enables password checking at
Boston(config-line)#line aux 0 Moves to line auxiliary mode
Boston(config-line)#password class Sets password to class
Boston(config-line)#login Enables password checking at
Boston(config-line)#exit Moves back to global config
26 Configuration Example: Basic Router Configuration
Boston(config)#no service passwordencryption
Turns off password encryption
Boston(config)#int fa 0/0 Moves to Fast Ethernet 0/0
Boston(config-if)#desc Engineering LAN Sets locally significant
description of the interface
Boston(config-if)#ip address
Assigns IP address and subnet
mask to the interface
Boston(config-if)#no shut Turns on the interface
Boston(config-if)#int s0/0 Moves directly to Serial 0/0
Boston(config-if)#desc Link to Buffalo
Sets locally significant
description of the interface
Boston(config-if)#ip address
Assigns IP address and subnet
mask to the interface
Boston(config-if)#clock rate 56000 Sets a clock rate for serial
transmission (DCE cable must
be plugged into this interface)
Boston(config-if)#no shut Turns on the interface
Boston(config-if)#exit Moves back to global config
Boston(config)#ip host buffalo Sets a local host name
resolution to IP address
Boston(config)#exit Moves back to privileged
Boston#copy run start Saves running-config to
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